Part Ten

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"Rishabh...." Madhu snuggles to him. "I want to stay with you tonight. will you stay here with me?"

"Will you let me sleep?" Rishabh asks her as he grinned at her.

Grinning happily, Madhu shakes her head. "No."

Rishabh chuckles.

"I'll just inform Ma and come." Madhu tells him as she got up and looked for her phone.

Noticing him watching her, Madhu grins and takes his shirt and wears it.

Grinning, Rishabh lies back.

"Such an exhibitionist, you are!" Madhu says as she grabbed her dress and threw it at him.

"I'm to wear this?" Rishabh asks laughing.

Madhu laughs as she found her phone and went to the bedroom to call her mother.


"Whose dress is this?" Madhu asks as she came back and sat next to Rishabh.

"Yours." Rishabh replies confused.

"Who got it?"

"Who else?"

"You did?" Madhu asks excitedly. "Measurement was so perfect."

"If you were to buy clothes for me, wouldn't you be able to get perfect measurement?"

"Maybe." Madhu cheekily replies as she leaned on his chest.

Rishabh rolls his eyes.

"So, this dress is mine?"


"I can keep it?" Madhu asks excitedly.

"No, I want it so I can wear it to office."

Madhu laughs hearing that. then sobering she says softly. "I don't want it. that man touched me in that."

"Then don't keep it." Rishabh tells her as he gently touched her cheek.

Madhu leans down and lies on his chest. "I didn't like it when he touched me, Rishabh."

Rishabh hugs her wanting to ease her pain but not knowing how to.

"I like it when you touch me but I didn't like his touch."

"I know." Rishabh whispers.

"How do you know?" Madhu asks him as she looked at him.

"Just like how you know that I like it when you touch me."

Madhu smiles and hugs him tight.

"Let's go to bedroom." Rishabh tells her.


Rishabh was dozing off. "Rishabh..." Madhu gently calls him.


"Your father told him that he would send a girl. Do you do that?" Madhu asks him softly.

"I am not a pimp, Madhu. if someone is horny, they better take care of it by themselves." Rishabh replies.

Madhu smiles hearing that. "But your father does..." Madhu gently says.

Rishabh sighs. "For him, giving commission, bribing with money, things, vacation... sending escorts is just like that."

"I don't like the way your father does business." Madhu softly confesses.

"It's not your place to like or dislike, Madhu."

Madhu sighs loudly. "Yes."



"Did you tell your father that it was me with that man?" Madhu asks him worriedly.

"No, I didn't tell him."

"He didn't insist on knowing?"

"I hung up when he told me you had slapped that asshole."



"What now?" Rishabh growls. "Will you let me sleep?"

"Won't your parents wonder where you are tonight?" Madhu asks him.

"I don't know."

"If they ask, what will you tell them?"

"Madhu, this is not the first time I have stayed away from my house. sometimes, I just come here and stay."


"Because I feel like so." Rishabh says fed up.

"I've never stayed like that." Madhu replies. "I have never stayed alone in a house."

"Hmmm what did you tell your mother?" Rishabh asks her curiously.

"I had told her I went for the event with Sweety. So, I told her that it is late and I will stay at Sweety's place tonight."

"Who is Sweety?"

"She is my best friend."


"Who is your best friend, Rishabh?" Madhu asks him.

Rishabh frowns hearing the question, as he thought about it.

"Who do you share everything with?"

"Go to sleep, Madhu." Rishabh tells her.

"Okay, you sleep." Madhu tells him as she kissed him and hugged him.

Rishabh kisses her on top of her head.

An hour later, he could hear her even breathing, even though he was sure, he still checked, "Madhu..." he softly calls her.

She was deep in sleep so she didn't hear him.

So, he answers her question. "I guess it's you, Madhu."

End of Part Ten

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- Lazy

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