Part Twelve

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"It's no big deal. Relax." Rishabh tells her on the phone.

"What if they arrest you?" Madhu asks him worriedly as she cried.

"I already spoke to my lawyer. I spoke to the police. It's all under control. The hotel filed the case because it happened in their premise." Rishabh explains to her.

"I don't want you to go to jail. I'll come and tell the police the truth." Madhu tells him as she broke into tears.

"Madhu, I am not going to jail. Can you stop crying?"

"What if..."

"Listen, my lawyer is handling it. I'll take care of it. there is nothing to be worried about."

"I want to see you."

"I'll see you tomorrow afternoon."

"No, I want to see you now."

"Have you gone out of your mind? what is up with you?" Rishabh asks exasperated. "Didn't you make me promise that your parents will never find out about us?"

"I want to see you!" Madhu stubbornly insists.

"Fine! I'll see you tomorrow morning outside your college, before I go to office."


"Now, for God sake, stop crying!"


Madhu hugs Rishabh tight.

"What's up with you, Madhu?" Rishabh asks her in a gentle rebuking tone as he hugged her.

"I'm scared, Rishabh."

"I'll be fine, baby."

"We'll go tell the police everything." Madhu tells him.

"There is no need for that. I'll take care of it."


"I promise."

"Promise you won't go to jail."

Rishabh rolls his eyes. "I won't if I can help it!"

Madhu hits him hearing that.

"Now, go to class. You'll be late."

Later, Madhu was in class when she gets a message from Rishabh.

Dad came. He said he spoke with that asshole and he has sorted it out. There won't be any case. Now, relax.

Madhu sighs in relief. Thank God.

He might be scared that you would file a case against him. so, he might be too eager to get to an out of court settlement than me.

Whatever the reason be, I am glad it is over.

Don't know, why you got so worked up about such a small issue!

Because I love you. Madhu wanted to tell him that but she didn't have the courage to do so. Unless he tells her that he loves her, she wasn't going to tell him her love.


My last period is free. So, should I wait or go home?

Madhu messages Rishabh as she walked out of the class.

A minute later, he replies. Will book you uber. I'll see you at the flat.

Madhu smiles. Okay.


Madhu was sitting on the couch and reading her text book when she hears the key turn. She looks up and sees Rishabh walk in.

Madhu smiles happily seeing him. "You left office early?"

"Yeah... give me 10 mins, I got some work." Rishabh tells her.

"Okay... I'll study then... sit with me."

Rishabh sits next to her and taking out his laptop, he starts working. Madhu lies on the edge of his lap and got back to reading her text book.


Madhu sits up in shock as she looked at Rishabh. "What time is it?"

Rishabh checks his watch. "It's late. You better get going."

"Yeah. I lost track of time." Madhu tells him. "I wanted to finish this portion and was so engrossed. Even you didn't say anything."

"Even I was busy." Rishabh tells her as he took his mobile to book her ride.

"Okay, I'll go wait downstairs. Just inform me when he reaches." Madhu tells him as she kissed his cheek and wore her sandals.

"Bye." Rishabh says as he kissed her cheek. "Do you want me to drop you?"

"No, it's okay." Madhu tells him as she hurried out. "I'll see you tomorrow."



Madhu looks at the calendar as she stared at the date. She couldn't ignore it anymore and assume that she was just late. She should have got her periods 10 days ago.

Heart slamming against her chest, she walks to the medical store.

End of Part Twelve

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- Lazy

Rishabala FF : Mistress Duology 2 - Mistress of His HeartWhere stories live. Discover now