Part Three

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Hello everyone, sorry for not posting anything in a while. I have been busy lately and might be on a break for a while.

Thanks to all for voting and commenting on the previous part.

This story has mostly short updates only.

Major warning

I finished writing this story, and I can tell you that this story sucks big time. it is blah. But since I started posting the story, I'm going to post it... please don't keep high hopes with this story. THIS IS NOT AN ANGSTY STORY. It is more of a light read.

Madhu was a nervous wreck as she thought of Rishabh. she had been fine the first day. she did miss him the whole day as they had been together almost every day, lately. Then as night fell, she just couldn't help wonder where he was and more than that, whether there was anyone with him.

She knew, she had no right to wonder about these things because he never made any commitments to her, but she just couldn't stop wondering. The thought of him touching someone else the way he touches her and the thought of someone else touching him the way, she touches him, was driving her crazy.

It's been a week and she was starting to feel that she would die of depression and her worry by the time he got back. She couldn't sleep without having nightmares of having someone replace her. Madhu's eyes fill up and she furiously closes her eyes to stop her tears from spilling. She will not cry for him.

As she kept tossing and turning in bed, she hears her mobile beep. Seeing it was Rishabh, she quickly sits up and checks her message.

Skype or zoom? Send me your contact details.

Confused, Madhu quickly replies. What?

What do you use? Skype or zoom or something else?

I don't use them.

Then download!


Hearing her mobile ring, she quickly answers. "What?" Madhu whispers into the phone as she grabbed her hands free and plugged it in.

"Why the hell are you asking so many questions?"

"Why do you want me to get an account?" Madhu asks confused.

"Because I am horny as fuck!" Rishabh tells her exasperated.

Madhu's face turns pink as she happily blushed. "Really?"


"what?" Madhu asks smiling shyly.

"Download the fucking app!"

"After that what?" Madhu asks him curiously.

"Are you trying to irritate me?" Rishabh asks her exasperated.

"No... I am serious." Madhu tells him.

Sighing in exasperation, Rishabh tells her. "Just get naked and come online, Madhu."

"Whaat?" Madhu almost shouts in shock.

"What what?" Rishabh asks fed up.

"you mean to say that we... erm..." Madhu blushes and whispers. "we have online sex?"

"Why are you blushing?" Rishabh asks confused.

"How do you know I am blushing?" Madhu asks confused.

"I can hear it! now, get naked and come online."

"Okay." Madhu says excitedly as she searched for the app on the play store. Madhu was about to hang up when she remembers and says disappointed. "But I have periods."

Rishabh sighs loudly. "Damn!"

Madhu sighs sadly. then she asks him curiously. "Where are you?"

"Hotel room."

Madhu rolls her eyes. "Where is your hotel room?"


"Oh, I've never been there." Madhu says.

"Do you want to come here?" Rishabh asks her curiously.

"Oh yes." Madhu says dreamily. "I downloaded the app."

"Whatever for?" Rishabh asks confused.

"Just come online, Rishabh!" Madhu tells him exasperated and shares her username.

Hearing the ring, Madhu answers the call. Seeing Rishabh lying on his bed, she smiles happily.

"Are you naked?" Madhu asks shocked as she felt excited.

"Have my boxers on." Rishabh replies as he stretched on the bed.

"What are you doing there?"


"What work?"


"Hmmm show me your hotel room."


"Because I have never stayed in a hotel. So, I am curious."

Rishabh turns the back camera on and pans the phone around the room.

"Wow nice." Madhu says smiling seeing the room then noticing his clothes on the floor, she frowns. "So messy."

Rishabh frowns. "Show me your room."


"I want to see how clean it is."

Madhu turns on the back camera and pans around the room.

"Where is the rest?" Rishabh asks confused.

"This is it."

"That is small."

"Seriously, if we had the money, do you think I would be with you?"

Rishabh scowls at her.

Madhu grins and asks "When will you come back?"

"Told you already."

"So, what will you do till then?" Madhu asks a little nervously.

"Till when do you have your periods?"

Madhu shrugs. "3-4 days."



"Aren't you horny?" Rishabh asks her softly.

"Yes." Madhu replies her heart beating fast in excitement.

Rishabh softly sighs as he hungrily looked at her.

Seeing that, Madhu whispers to him. "I want to see you. Remove your boxers, Rishabh."

End of Part Three

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- Lazy

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