Part Nine

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Madhu was walking out of the flat when she hears her mobile ring. thinking it is her mother, Madhu takes her mobile and stops in shock seeing that it was Patil.

"I left from there Patil." Madhu informs him.

"Madam, I am so sorry. I didn't know I was supposed to stay with you. I am the driver, I usually wait near the car. My family will go hungry if I don't have this job." Patil starts rambling from the other end.

"What are you saying?" Madhu asks confused.

"Rishabh Sir fired me." Patil tells her as he cried.

"It is not your fault that..." Madhu was about to say that she hit Alex when Patil cuts her off.

"Rishabh Sir said it is my fault that I didn't stay with Mr. Alex. He said I dumped Mr. Alex on you."

"Dumped on me?"

"He said I was supposed to make sure that you were safe at all times." Patil tells her. "I didn't know I was supposed to stay with you both and I was supposed to show Mr. Alex around. But it was an event, and you were there, so I thought it was your duty. you didn't say anything when I said I would be waiting outside."

"He said that?" Madhu asks shocked.

"Yes after he beat up Mr. Alex, he almost hit me."

"What? He beat up that man?" Madhu asks shocked.

"It's on the news. You didn't see? Someone took a video."

"What?" Madhu asks in shock as she turned around and ran back to the flat.

"Please tell him that I didn't do this on purpose. My family depends on me." Patil pleads her.

"I'll tell him." Madhu replies as she hung up the phone and ran to the tv and turned it on.

She browses the channel and finds a news channel. And the news was saying a drunk Rishabh Kundra beat up a foreigner. But she knew, he wasn't drunk. He was sober when he had come. They had a video of Alex running through the hotel lobby and Rishabh running behind him furiously. Rishabh kicks him down and pouncing on him, Rishabh starts punching on his face. he kept punching him till the hotel security pulled him back.

"I told you to get out of here." Rishabh furiously tells her from behind her.

Madhu turns to him in shock and whispers. "You hit him."

"Get out, Madhu."

"Why did you hit him?" Madhu asks him as she walked to him, crying again, but this time in relief.

"Get the fuck out of here." Rishabh furiously tells her.

"Did you send me there so that I would sleep with him?"

Madhu notices his eyes flare in fury but he replies. "Yes."

"Tell me the truth." Madhu tells him angrily.


"Tell me the truth." Madhu tells him as she stopped in front of him.

"I told you the truth. Now, get out."

"Why are you lying?" Madhu asks him in desperation as she held his collar.

"Because you don't deserve the truth." Rishabh furiously tells her.

"Please, Rishabh, tell me the truth. I am begging you." Madhu asks him as she hugged him and cried.

Hearing her heart wrenching sobs, Rishabh wraps his hands around her waist and rests his head on top of hers. "Stop crying."

Rishabala FF : Mistress Duology 2 - Mistress of His HeartWhere stories live. Discover now