Part Eleven

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"Madhu... wake up." Rishabh shakes her awake.

Madhu mumbles in her sleep as she turned to lie on her stomach.

"If you sleep early then this wouldn't happen." Rishabh mutters rolling his eyes.

"I want to sleep." Madhu moans.

"Baby, don't you have college?" Rishabh asks her.

"I'll go after first hour."



Rishabh sighs. "Okay... there is bread and jam on the table. Juice and butter in the fridge."

"Okay... bye." Madhu waves at him with closed eyes.

Rishabh leans down and kisses her shoulder and leaves.


Madhu wakes up and sits up as she stretched lazily. Noticing her mobile flashing, she takes her mobile and sees a message from Rishabh.

Towels in the cupboard. Toiletries in the cabinet in the bathroom.

Madhu smiles at his thoughtfulness. Last time, she had come prepared and this time, she didn't have anything with her. noticing Rishabh's shirt on the floor, she wears it and goes about to get ready. Maybe she should keep one or two clothes here for her unplanned sleep over.

She had the dress she wore the previous day to college inside her college bag. She takes it out and seeing it crumbled, she starts looking for an iron box. She was about to message Rishabh to ask him for the iron box when someone rings the bell. She quietly walks to the door and looks through the peep hole and sees the security.

She quickly wears her salwar and opens the door.

"Madam, sir told me to give this to you." security tells her as he handed her a packet.

"Rishabh is downstairs?" Madhu asks confused as she took the cover.

"No, I went with sir to the shop. He went from there."

"Oh... thank you." Madhu smiles and takes the cover.

She closes the door as she curiously looked at the cover and smiles noticing it was a salwar.

Excited, Madhu quickly messages him.

Thank you.

And he replies. Get to class!

Madhu scowls at his message and messages him.

But what about underclothes?

She sees the double blue tick and waits for it. a second later, her phone rings.


"Now, you want me to go underclothes shopping for you?" Rishabh asks incredulously.

"I was just curious. You thought about everything but missed it. did you forget?" Madhu teases him.

"I didn't forget! I just didn't want to do lingerie shopping for a girl, even if it is for you." Rishabh tells her pissed.

Madhu dramatically sighs. "Okay, I'll just go Commando."

"What? What does that mean?" Rishabh asks confused.

"Watch friends, Rishabh!" Madhu tells him shaking her head.

Then she hangs up the call and Madhu chuckles as she hurried to get ready for college.

After getting ready, Madhu was about to send a photo of herself to Rishabh in her new salwar when she notices a message from him.

Are you really going Commando?

Madhu laughs out loud.

Did you google?

Yes! Are you?

I guess you'll have to wait till evening to find out ;)


Madhu was home at night, when her father comes home.

"Madhu, who is your sponsor?" Malik asks her curiously. "Isn't it Rishabh Kundra?"

"Yes, Baba. Why?" Madhu asks him worriedly.

"There is a news that he got into a fight last night." Malik informs her.

"Oh yeah I heard." Madhu nervously mumbles.

"Is it serious?" Padmini asks her husband worriedly.

"They are saying a police case is filed against him."

"WHAT?" Madhu asks shocked, her heart beating fast in panic and fear for him.

"If he gets arrested will Madhu's studies be affected?" Padmini asks worriedly.

"Don't know. The news channels are making it a big issue. They are talking about how the rich and spoiled are ruining India's name and how they have no regards for Aditi Devo Bhava."

"What nonsense is that?" Madhu asks angrily. "How can they just blame him for that?"

"He hasn't given an explanation and people were saying he attacked the man without any reason." Malik tells her.

Madhu's heart skips a beat hearing that. if Rishabh wanted, he could have easily told everyone that Alex had misbehaved with her but that would bring her to the lime light and bring out their relation in the open.

If he had wanted, he could have easily told the truth and got out of this problem, and he remained silent to keep her safe and hid it even from her.

It was that moment, she realized that she was in love with him.

End of Part Eleven

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