Part Twenty-Two

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Thanks to all for voting and commenting on the previous part.

"She is dragging sack full of mud through the house." Rishabh complains to Madhu.

Madhu looks up at him with a sigh and asks him with a smile, "Aren't you behaving like a naughty brother snitching on his sister?"

"She is bringing mud into the house." Rishabh softly complaints like a stubborn kid.

"She asked me, Rishabh. she loves pottery. It is for that." Madhu tells him.

Rishabh looks away, not liking it.

"It reminded me of you." Madhu tells him as she stood up and took his hand in hers.

"Me?" Rishabh asks confused.

"Trishna wanted to do pottery professionally but her parents didn't allow. Just like how you wanted to be an engineer." Madhu gently tells him.

Rishabh nods with a sigh, feeling sorry for Trishna.

"She will do it in the balcony. She will set her pottery wheel there. She won't dirty the house."

"It is okay." Rishabh replies. "Anyway the maid comes to clean the house." Rishabh tells her with a shrug.

Madhu smiles and hugs him. "You're a darling, Rishabh."

Rishabh shrugs feeling awkward.

"Trishna wants to make some cute vessels for us to thank us for letting her stay here."



"The TV is too loud." Rishabh irately tells Madhu.

Madhu keeps her hand on her forehead tired.

"How are you studying in that loud noise?" Rishabh asks her.

"It is not loud, Rishabh." Madhu tells him sighing.

"I can't read a word."

"Are you reading with your ears?" Madhu asks him.

Rishabh glares at her. "I can't concentrate." Rishabh tells her in a clipped tone.

"Then tell Trishna to reduce the volume." Madhu tells him.

"Why can't you tell her?" Rishabh asks her frowning.

"Because I don't think the TV is loud."

Rishabh glares at her, pissed and fed up, Rishabh turns around to leave the room.

"We're having only one child, Rishabh." Madhu declares.

"What?" Rishabh turns to her in shock. "Why?"

"Because I can't deal with another pair of siblings." Madhu tells him cheekily.

"She is not my sister." Rishabh mutters irately realizing that she is teasing him.


They were having dinner.

Rishabh was about to take the roti when Trishna, not realizing that, took the roti.

Rishabh turns to glare at Madhu. Madhu tears her roti in half and gives it to him.

"Did you want that?" Trishna asks seeing that.

"No." Rishabh replies as he glared down at his plate and ate.

Trishna looks at Madhu and Madhu winks at her as she smiled.

Madhu sighs as she made a mental note to tell their cook to make more rotis from now on. Both of them had well for stomach.


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