Part Twenty-Three

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Is this our house or a recreational center?

Rishabh wonders as he watched Madhu, Mukund and Trishna watched TV. Trishna lived there and now Mukund also practically lived there with daily visits. Rishabh mentally sighs. It's not that he disliked them, it is that they were monopolizing his wife's time. he felt like he had to get in line to get her attention now.

Madhu takes his hand in hers and smiles at him. Rishabh smiles at her.

Madhu leans on his shoulder and resting her head on his arms, she watches the TV.

Madhu yawns as she snuggles to him. "I'm feeling sleepy." Madhu tells him.

"Let's sleep then." Rishabh tells her.

"Don't you want to watch this?" Madhu asks curiously.

"You made me sit here." Rishabh reminds her.

"Because I wanted to sit with you."

Rishabh smiles hearing that.

"And it is a nice movie."

Rishabh makes a face.

"Why you don't like movies?" Madhu asks confused.

"Because it's not real."

"But it is fun." Madhu tells him yawning.

Rishabh smiles. "Let's sleep?" Rishabh asks seeing her yawning.

"Are you sleepy?"

"No. it's early."

"I'm feeling very sleepy." Madhu tells him and leaning up, she whispers to him. "I think it is the baby."

"You need rest." Rishabh tells her lovingly.

"What about Mukund?" Madhu asks, as he was their guest.

"Trishna is here." Rishabh brushes it off.

Madhu smiles, how much ever he tried to deny it, he was starting to see Trishna as a part of their family.


About 7 weeks after their wedding, Rishabh and Madhu informed everyone that Madhu was 6 weeks pregnant.

Hearing the doorbell, Trishna jumps up. "You sit, I'll check." Trishna tells her and runs to the door.

Madhu turns to look at Rishabh who had come out of their room hearing the bell. They both chuckle, Trishna has been treating her like a doll since she informed her about the pregnancy.

"I'm pregnant, not sick." Madhu tells her.

"Yes, but you should take proper and complete care." Trishna tells her as she opened the door.

Malik and Padmini smiles at her.

"Madhu has been waiting since afternoon." Trishna informs them as she walked with them to Madhu.

"How are you?" Padmini asks Madhu as she hugged her.

Madhu hugs her mother happily, finally feeling relieved about getting to share with her parents about their baby.

"I'm fine, Ma. Trishna is not letting me move only."

Padmini chuckles. "You should move around as much as possible."

"I've been telling her that." Madhu tells her.

"What if she faints? What if she slips?" Trishna asks worriedly.

Rishabala FF : Mistress Duology 2 - Mistress of His HeartWhere stories live. Discover now