Part Eight

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There wasn't anything she could do now other than taking a morning after pill and wait. Since worrying over it was not going to solve the issue, she decided not to think about it. She will cross that bridge when she got to it. and after taking the morning after pill, she was feeling much relieved.

After that, she didn't talk to Rishabh about it, and Rishabh never talks about anything unless she initiates the conversation.


Have booked an uber for you.

Seeing the message, Madhu curiously goes outside her college as she looked for her uber ride. Finding him, she gets into the car.

She frowns seeing the destination was to Rishabh's office and not to the flat.

I am to come to your office?

Yes. Come to my cabin.

Madhu wasn't very comfortable with that. their relation was supposed to be just between them and she didn't like the idea of going to his office.

The moment she mentioned her name, she was ushered to Rishabh's cabin.

Madhu notices Rishabh opening a parcel and takes out what looked like a rakhi. He was an only child. So, who is sending him rakhi? Then she sees Rishabh irately throwing it into the dustbin. That shocked her. she was about to ask him about it when Rishabh looks up.

Seeing her, Rishabh gets up and walks to her.

"Rishabh, why here? I am not..." Madhu says feeling uncomfortable and nervous.

Rishabh offers her a packet.

"What's this?"

"Wear this and wait outside."

"What?" Madhu asks shocked.

"Do as I say, Madhu."

"Wear this?" Madhu asks as she peaked inside the cover and sees a beautiful red sleeveless dress.


"Now?" Madhu asks shocked.


Madhu nervously looks around gulping.

Chuckling Rishabh tells her, "You can change here if that is what you want or you can use the ladies room outside."

"Oh yes!" Madhu says feeling relieved.

"Be ready in fifteen minutes. Your ride will be here."

"My ride?" Madhu asks confused.

"Go, Madhu."

Confused and clueless, Madhu wears the dress and adjusts her hair to match the dress. The dress was a perfect fit for her. ready, she walks back and reaches Rishabh's cabin when she finds a man waiting there.

"Madhu Madam?"


"I am Patil, Madam. I am the driver. Shall we leave?" Patil asks her with a polite smile.

Nodding, she follows him wondering where Rishabh was sending her. The whole ride, Madhu tried to figure out where Rishabh could be sending her.

Madhu stares in shock, seeing the car stop in front of a hotel.

Patil leads her to the hotel.

"I'll go find whether Mr. Alex is ready."

"Alex?" Madhu asks confused.

Rishabala FF : Mistress Duology 2 - Mistress of His HeartWhere stories live. Discover now