Chapter 10|Ting Hao On Chen Zhou's Side?!

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Should I give a second chance to Senior Brother Ruo Bai? Looks like Senior Ting Hao is giving a second chance to Guo Guo? Should I too? Thought Bai Cao.

On the other side, Guo Guo took a few steps away from Ting Hao and said, "Ting Hao, I know that I have hurt you really badly and it is really hard for you to trust me again but I hope that you would give me a second. I hope that you would trust me once again and I promise that I will never break your trust this time."

Ting Hao smiled and gave a bowl of ice cream to Guo Guo.

Seeing that, Guo Guo smiled too and said, "I hope it is a yes."

"What else do you think it can be?" asked Ting Hao.

Guo Guo said nothing. She smiled and took the bowl from Ting Hao's hand then they both ate the ice cream while looking at the sky.

Bai Cao was looking at Ting Hao and Guo Guo all this while.

"Bai Cao, I hope you are ready to give me a second chance," said Ruo Bai.

Bai Cao turned her face towards Ruo Bai and then she nodded to say yes. Both of them smiled and continued eating the ice cream.

Chang An and Ting Yi were seeing all this.

"I will be honest, Ting Yi. I really feel like beating this Ruo Bai to death. I know that no one can love Bai Cao like Ting Hao. They are perfect for each other," said Chang An.

"Yeah, they are. But I hope that they will be with someone right for them," said Ting Yi.

"What do you mean, Ting Yi?"

"See, Chang An. I know that no one else can love Bai Cao more than my brother and if someday Bai Cao also loves my brother, there will be no one else who can love him more than her. But... to be honest, that is not what matters."

"Then what does?"

"What matters is that they are with the person who is right for them. I know that you are confused, Chang An. So let me put my life as an example. All my life, I wanted Brother Chu Yuan to be my life partner because I desired a life partner like him. But what happened in the end? I ended up with you... I fell in love with you not because I desired a life partner like you but because you were the right person for me. We always desire a particular type of person. We always pray to get the perfect person but we should not. We should pray to get a person who is right for us... a person who can complete us and we can never know who can do that because who doesn't know what is incomplete in us. I went with the flow after getting rejected. In the same way, Chang An, I want them to go with the flow and if they are the right person for each other... no matter who comes they will be together. If they are destined to be together... then no matter who's ex comes... they will end up together. We don't have to do anything. Now you understand what I am saying?"

"Yeah," said Chang An. There was a sort of guilt on his face.

At night everyone went toward their respective rooms. Xiao Ying and Guo Guo were sharing a room. Ruo Bai and Chu Yuan were sharing a room. While everyone else had their rooms.

Chang An went towards the cupboard in his room and took the same hospital file he got when he was putting stuff back inside Ruo Bai's bag.

Should I give it back to him or should I keep it? I know that I can't hide this truth for long but if hiding it means seeing Ting Hao and Bai Cao together then... should I hide it? No, Chang An! Remember what Ting Yi said. If they are the right person for each other, then they will be together. I should give this file back to Ruo Bai.

Thinking that Chang An came out of his room and then went towards Ruo Bai and Chu Yuan's room.

He was about to knock when suddenly he heard Chu Yuan yelling, "Ruo Bai, you are dying... Do you even realize that?"

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