Chapter 21|Happily Ever After

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That person was no one else but Yin Xiu.

Everyone surrounded Bai Cao as if they were shielding Bai Cao.

Seeing that, Yin Xiu lowered her head and smiled.

"I won't do anything this time. My hands are tied, and the police is here as well."

"Why are you here?" asked Chang An.

"Can I just go to Bai Cao and talk to her? I just want to talk."

"If you just want to talk, then you can say whatever you want from there as well. I am not letting you come near Bai Cao. I don't trust you at all," said Ting Hao.

"But I trust her," said Bai Cao making everyone shocked including Yin Xiu.

"But Bai Cao..."

"Senior Ting Hao, it's ok. I know what I am doing. Please let her come and talk to me. And you guys are going to be here only. If she does anything, you guys will save me before she does anything. I trust you guys more than I trust her. But I do trust her. She won't do anything. I know that."

"Fine. If you say so."

Saying that, Ting Hao stepped to the side so did everyone else, making a way for Yin Xiu to go near Bai Cao.

Yin Xiu went near Bai Cao and sat on the chair.

"Why do you trust me? After whatever I did to you, do I deserve your trust? You should hate me."

Bai Cao smiled and said, "I won't gain anything by hating you, will I? There is already a lot of hate in this world. I don't want to add onto it. And you have not done so much that I should hate you."

"But I am bad person."

"Yes, you are. I won't deny that. But I believe that there is a good person sleeping inside a bad person. And I think that now, the good person inside you is waking up."

"But what if this bad person does not sleep?"

"If it doesn't then don't let it sleep. You better kill that bad person inside you so that the good person inside you will be able to work freely and forever. And I know that you will be able to kill that bad person. You are a good person, Yin Xiu. I know that. And everybody deserves a second chance. I do and you do too."

"But I know that you won't be able to forget what I did."

"You are right. I will never be able to forget what has happened and what you did. But whatever happened has happened. It is the past."

"But will you ever be able to forgive me?"

"Yes, Yin Xiu. I will forgive. Everyone will forgive you."

"But you just said that you won't be able to forget what I did."

"I know. Forgiving and forgetting are two different things, Yin Xiu. Forgiving is easy but forgetting is hard. Forgiving helps us move on but trying to forget makes you stay in that same chapter for life. Yin Xiu, whatever happened has happened. You can't change it. You can't forget it. You have to forgive yourself for what you did. Our lives are like a story. Everything that happened has ended. That chapter has ended. Now, I want to start a new chapter, and, in that chapter, I want you to be a good person. Not for me, but for yourself. You are a good person, Yin Xiu, but because you felt neglected and unwanted in childhood, you became what you are today. But everything happens for a reason. Just try to find that reason and forgive yourself. I want you in my story till the end of my story."

Yin Xiu extended her handcuffed hands towards Bai Cao and Bai Cao held them.

"I am sorry, Bai Cao. I am really very sorry. I know you will forgive me because you are just too good for this world. But I know what I did is a sin. You thought that if you confess your feelings towards Ting Hao, then you will put him into danger. And I took advantage of that. I heard everything you said in Chang An's friend's house."

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