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Ting Hao came out of the Feng Yun Hall. He had no expression on his face.

He sat inside his car and went towards the hospital.

On the other side, Bai Cao and Guo Guo slept as it was already very late but Chang An was still awake.

He kept looking at his watch thinking, Where has Ting Hao gone? I just hope that he didn't go to Feng Yun Hall. But where else will he go rather than going there? I hope nothing happened.

Chang An was tense thinking about Ting Hao, that's when he saw a shadow outside the ward.

That shadow was of no one else but Ting Hao.

Ting Hao was standing outside holding the handle of the door.

Should I go inside? What if Bai Cao is still awake and sees my wounds? Well, why am I even worried? She must have slept by now. After all, she needs rest. Yeah. She must be asleep and I won't make any sound because of which she will wake up, Thought Ting Hao.

He opened the door and as he opened the door, he saw Chang An standing there with a vase in his hand. Chang An was about to hit him thinking that it was someone else but stopped as he saw that it was Ting Hao.

"Chang An, were you about to hit me? My face is already filled with bruises. Do you want to give me more bruises?

Chang An said nothing as he was shocked to see all the bruises on Ting Hao's face.

"Ting Hao, what have you done to yourself?" asked Chang An.

"You think I would hit myself so badly?"

"I know it's Chen Zhou who hit you but if you wouldn't have gone there, then he wouldn't have hit you so badly."

Before Ting Hao could say anything, someone asked, "Ting Hao, how are you so injured?"

It was no one else but Guo Guo.

Ting Hao said nothing and puts his hand on her mouth so that she won't be able to say anything.

"Guo Guo, can't you see that Bai Cao is sleeping? Can't you speak in a little low voice?" asked Ting Hao.

Guo Guo removes Ting Hao's hand from her mouth and said, "I am talking in low voice. You tell me, how did you get injured?"

"Obviously because he went to Feng Yun Hall and fought with Chen Zhou," said someone.

Both Ting Hao and Guo Guo looked at Chang An thinking that he said it, but it was not him.

Then all three of them turned their face toward Bai Cao. It was no one else but Bai Cao who said that.

As Ting Hao saw Bai Cao's eyes open, he turned his face away in fear and didn't even dare to look at her.

You are gone, Ting Hao, Thought Guo Guo.

"Senior Ting Hao, why are you hiding your face?" asked Bai Cao.

Ting Hao stood up and went towards the window. "Bai Cao, I am not hiding my face, I am just looking at the moon. Well, I think you should sleep now. We have to go home tomorrow. You should take a rest," said Ting Hao while looking outside the window.

As he finished saying, someone hit him on the arm.

Ting Hao turned his face and it was Bai Cao who hit him.

"Bai Cao, it hurts," said Ting Hao while flinching in pain.

"It does? I thought you don't feel anything that's why you went to Feng Yun Hall thinking nothing," yelled Bai Cao.

Whirlwind Girl Pt. 2Where stories live. Discover now