chapter 5

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After the alien dude disappear, like right in front of my eyes. I remember that he didn't tell me his name.
I walk inside. -Maybe if i go back to sleep, this whole thing will go away. -
I drag my feet all the way to my room and jump on my bed. Shoveling my face into the pillow. Letting out a moan.
Eventually I fell back to sleep.
"Jackie..... WAKE UP. WAKE UP. WAKE UP." my mother yells.
"I'm up" I said as I jump out of bed.
"Im leaving, and your coming with me." she said.
"Hurry get ready im leaving in 10." she stated as she waltz out the door. 10 minutes is more then enough time. All i need to do is just change out of my shorts and put on my shoes and I'm ready.
I sat on the bed remembering what had happened last night. Why didnt the Alien wipe out my memory?
I get up to go to the bathroom. I stare at my reflection. "I'm ugly." I said as reach for my makeup bag and just put eyeliner on and clear lip gloss. I grab my sweater and met up with my mom in the car.
While i was looking at the video games section my mom went on to find me clothes because if I pick my own clothes people will think I'm a boy, I don't got a problem with that. But she does.
I quickly scan though the games.
Then someone pokes at my side.
Startle I look up to see a tall dude dress in jeans and grey sweater with thick black glasses.
He flashes me a side grin.
Not thinking nothing of it I flash a smile and return to my game hunt.
I feel a tap on my shoulder and heard a vocie that sound familiar,


"Hey remember me." he stated
Shit it was the alien dude. noooo.... Leave me alone.
"Well I try not to." I quickly reply.


"May I" he said as he kinda shove pass me and started going through all the games.
I just stood there with my arms cross.
"What are you doing?" I ask.


"Looking for a good one......... Oh look I found one. Now this one is a good one." he said as he reaches with his giant hands to grab the cover.
"That one?" I said as I raise an eyebrow. " I already have it." I said as I put the game back on the shelf.


"Well then, stab me in the back for trying to be nice?" he said raising his hands in the air.
"What are you even doing here." i ask meaner and louder then I intended.


"I guess. I just thought that we were friends."
He said as he look down.
Feeling like a bitch, I was a little hurt on how he sounded so sorry.
"Look, I gotta go. My mom is waiting for me." i said


" oh yeah. Ok well see you around then. "
"Yeah." i said as i left the store. Speed walking to find my mom.

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