1. 𝚃𝚛𝚘𝚞𝚋𝚕𝚎𝚍

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I should have planned my life out more. After I was done with college my mother had called and asked me to live with her. She lives in Busan while I live in Seoul.

Shes rather...far away. My father divorced my mother after he found out she was cheating on him. Ever since I've lived with my dad. That was when I was 12. I'm 19 now.

My mother's house was nice as both my parents were rather rich owning two buissnesses each. My mom has a makeup line and a clothing line. For my dad he has a cologne line and a shoe line.

So they are pretty successful. The problem is I don't like my mom. I used to spend summers with her but she's honestly just a jerk and constantly deciding everything I do in my life. Everything I do is under her control even though I'm old enough to make my own decisions.

Whatever. I'll do it just for a few weeks. Maybe a month or so. I don't know. I'm currently staring blankly out the car window. My mom has just picked me up from the air port.

"So kid; I haven't seen you in a while. What's been going on?" She said after clearing her throat, trying to make small talk with me. "Nothing really." I answered shortly. "No new boyfriend?" She teased with a small grin on her face.

I chuckled. "No. Not planning on it." I said with a small grin. "You're already 19 Miyoung." She reminded, glancing at me. "Theres nobody I'm interested in." I admitted and a small frown appeared on my face. "Really? Not one of those kids in the pop groups?" She asked with a small giggle.

I scoffed. "As if they would fine interest in an average 19 year old girl." I unwillingly admitted. "Who knows." She spoke softly, going quiet afterwards. I fell quiet as well.

There was always those awkward conversations between us. The worst of it was when it was about boys. That was always the most uncomfortable topic no matter my age.  I've never been interested in getting into a relationship and honestly I think my dad assumes I'm lesbian. Perhaps maybe my mom is right.

I can't stay lonely forever. We pulled into the drive way after an hour of dead silence. Once the car slid to a stop I hopped out and pulled my suitcase out of the trunk with a heave.

I hauled the suitcase inside and up the stairs with my mom right behind me. I opened the door to the room I had always stayed in. Just as I remembered it.

Rather plain and boring looking but clean. I set my suitcase next to the closet. "Do you think your good for the rest of the day? One of my friends wanted to have lunch around 2pm." My mother asked with her arms crossed and leaning against the door frame.

It was 1:30pm. I nodded. She smiled and walked away, leaving the door open. I closed the door and sat on the bed. The one thing I loved most about my moms house was the backyard.

She kept a beautiful garden and I always had the best view of it from my window. It was gorgeous and so captivating. I suddenly got a message from my phone.

I got a text from my mom? Didn't she just leave?

Hey sweetie I forgot to tell you that I forgot to water some of the roses in the garden. Can you do it? The hose is beside the bench.

I knew that was going to happen. It was a wonder her garden was alive it was. I went downstairs and out to the garden. It was pretty cloudy so the sun wasn't torturing my eyes.

I walked over to where mother said the hose was and untwirled some of it, then turning it on. I began to water the roses. Maybe life wouldn't be horrible up here as long as the garden was here.

Suddenly I felt like someone was staring at me. The hair on the back of my neck stood up as chills rippled down my spine. I quickly turned to look behind me and the tall oak tree in the middle of the garden surrounded by a fountain.

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