5. 𝚁𝚞𝚍𝚎

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I sat frozen as Huening Kai laid a hand on my shoulder and one on Jake. "Yeonjun enough. Do you really want to expose yourself infront of these mortals?" Heeseung blurted.

Yeonjun paused. Huening Kai gripped my shoulder tighter to where it hurt. I winced in pain. I'm not tolerating this shit. "Get your hands off of me." I said, hitting his hand.

He let go out of surprise. "Dont tell me you have an attitude problem to. We'd be glad to fix it." Yeonjun threatened. He seemed nice the day he introduced himself and now hes a douche.

"I'll shove a mop down your throat and out your ass if you dare ever touch me or if your minions ever touch me again." I spat angrily. The audacity to be so rude when we've hardly met.

Yeonjun visibly grew angrier. He was just about to say something before I interrupted. "Keep your fucking mouth shut. It is way to early in the morning to deal with your motor for a mouth. Now leave or stop bothering us." I snapped.

Heeseung, Jay and Jake looked at me like I just committed a felony. Yeonjun's jaw clenched. "I suggest you keep your mouth shut human. You've dug yourself a hole and I'd be amused to see how your going to get out of it now. Watch your back barbie." Yeonjun hissed, walking away.

Huening Kai quickly ran to follow him. I glared at him, watching him leave. "Mi-young," Heeseung started, "that was not smart. Why would you say something like that to him?"

"Well he obviously needed to hear it." I mumbled. "Mi-young you dont understand. You just put yourself in danger by threatening him." Jake explained.

I scoffed. "Hes not going to do anything." I said, sipping my drink. "Listen to me, he isnt human nor are his friends. Me and my friends obviously arent either. Hes going to hunt you like prey and kill you." Heeseung explained.

I froze at the last sentence. Kill me? That's going a bit far. "He doesnt know where I live." I declared. "He knows your scent. He's probably tracking down where you live right now. He's impatient. " Jay finally spoke.

Well shit. That psychopathic peice of ass kissing shit, I though bitterly. Heeseung held in a laugh, letting a few giggles slide. I'm not one to curse outloud to much but certainly do I curse in my head.

Most do...I think. "One of us should stay there each night. Since Heeseung and Mi-young seem to be good friends, Heeseung should do it." Jake suggested.

"What about when...when I'm hungry?" Heeseung asked, pausing for a short minute between the sentence. "I'll trade with you." Jay answered after a short pause.

"Thanks." Heeseung said, almost being sarcastic. Jay grinned, and looked at me. I glanced and looked away. I couldnt look him in the eyes long. I dont know why, I just couldn't.

"Would he kill my mom?" I suddenly asked. They all looked at me, a little concerned. "Uhm, maybe. If it takes too long for him to get to you and has no other choice. And like I said, hes impatient."

Honestly, I didnt know if I wanted her safe to or not. If she does die all of her businesses and money is left to me, along all of her belongings and her houses.

Not to mention shes a horrible person. The only thing is...shes my mom. I shouldnt do that to her. I sighed. "It only needs one of us, if it's only Yeonjun." Jake chimed.

"Probably just to catch her alone and take her back to their place so they can eat her." Jay suggested. I froze with my jaw hanging open. "Jay!" Heeseung exclaimed. "Sh!" Jake shushed.

"They are going to eat me?" I whisper-yelled. Jay nodded. I huffed. "Jay." Heeseung said, raising his brow as a warning. Jay rolled his eyes. "Should I tell my mom?" I asked politely.

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