13. 𝙲𝚘𝚗𝚏𝚞𝚜𝚒𝚘𝚗

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I sat by the door for a while. I needed to pack. It wont be too long before they realize that I'm not stuck with Yeonjun anymore. Not like they would care now that they have Hei-ran.

I know me and Jay technically were never even together but I really liked him. Loved even. I thought he felt the same way. But now hes probably with Hei-ran. I have nothing against her, she was probably brought into it against her will.

Not to mention Jay didnt even agree to it...Heeseung did. I frowned. This month has really been something else. I'll pack up tomorrow and leave the next day. I'm not sure if I want to sell the house though. The garden.

I wanted to keep the garden. I slowly got up and trudged to the kitchen. I looked at my phone and saw the news. People were going crazy over me selling my mothers buissnesses.

I shrugged. It's not my buissness anymore. Literally. I went to mothers alcohol shelf and grabbed a bottle of soju of the shelf. I opened the top and began to chug it.

I needed an escape from reality. Just the once. I finished the bottle in just two minutes. I was just confused. About who Yumi is. Why I'm so.."related"..to her.

I didnt really care either. I wanted no part in the drama with her and her blood. Wether I had it or not. I sighed, starting to feel the alchohol I had drank.

The world around me got a little wavy and dark. I tread over to the shelf again and found some Baekseju. I opened it quick and began to drink it pretty quick. I drank half the bottle before putting it down.

I didnt notice how much time was passing as I felt myself slipping into a whirly darkness around me. I smiled. I havent smiled in a bit. Or at least I didnt really mean it.

I slumped onto a chair by the island in the kitchen. I slapped my hand on my phone and dragged in to me, looking for any notifications from anyone. Heeseung and Jay had my number as well does all of their brothers.

Nobody bothered to text me. Even if they think I'm at Yeonjun's, Yeonjun wouldnt kill me over a damn text message from one of them. I let out a frustrated grunt.

I took two more sips of the baekseju before getting up and sloppily walking over to the back door. I wanted to see the garden. I swung open the door and stepped out into the fresh air.

I closed the door and slumped onto the bench. Some plants were slowly dieing. I'll water them tomorrow when I'm not drunk. As wrong as my mother did me. We did have good times.

I could almost hear her laughter while she watered plants and teasingly spraying me with the hose. I felt years swell up in my eyes thinking about it. I looked out to the forest maybe hoping to see Jay.

Nobody. I blinked back my tears. I'm done crying...sort of. I want to all the time but I also dont. I hated crying so much. I breathed in the air. It felt amazing.

I looked at the oak tree. It was still as beautiful as ever. I slowly stood up and walked inside, slamming the back door shut. I walked over to grab my phone and I walked upstairs to my room.

It was empty and the air was still. I threw my phone on my bed and went to take a shower. I didnt take long and hopped out and changed into pajamas.

I flopped into bed, my vision still a little fuzzy and whirly. I looked out the window into the garden. It was quiet. I sighed and cuddled into the blankets.

I stared at the ceiling until I slowly slipped into a deep slumber. Hopefully once I get back to my father, life will be better.

Time skip~

I woke up hungover. My head was pounding. I groaned in agony and flipping over to face the window where sunlight was pouring in. I let my eyes adjust into light.

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