17. 𝙶𝚘𝚗𝚎

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A week later~

Heeseung pov:

I told everyone what happened. Everyone shed a few tears. As well as Jay. He broke. Hei-ran was there comforting him. The things I would do to hug Mi-young again. I couldnt look at them. Matter of factly I havent talked to any of them since.

Especially not Jay. I couldnt even look at him. I've been thinking. Ever since she was taken by Yeonjun she wasnt the same. She was a different person. She wasnt...Mi-young. My sweet girl.

After Jay said he didnt love her and after his confrontation in her house...She was lost in someone she wasnt. An alternate being with the opposite personality. That or she had just gone crazy.

It's probably that. I dont blame her. But the things I would do to tell her that he wasnt worth it. As much as I loved Jay and he was my brother, I hated what he did. I hated that he said those things to her. I hated that she asked.

I should have told him to never come near her again. To let her live. I was trying to help her and he came crashing in with some bullshit, causing the others to want a talk between us and for me to leave her alone.

Now look what happened. Shes dead. For fucks sake. I was angry. But nonetheless theres nothing I could do. I got in contact with her dad and explained. He was heartbroken. In disbelief. He came down to the town and stayed in a hotel as he planned her funeral.

I gave him the note a day after his arrival. He cried. I cried with him. Then he asked something after we had shared tears. "Are you her boyfriend?" Was his words. I nodded. Yeah it wasnt official but oh well.

I loved her too much. Now it's the day of the funeral. I had invited all my brothers, even Jay. As much as I didnt want to god knows what he would do if I didn't. Of course Hei-ran also came which I wish she didnt.

She didnt even know Mi-young. And as much as I didnt want to I invited Yeonjun and his brothers. They set her free after all. Yes they caused ALL of this but still, they didnt hurt her and set her free to me.

Jay would definitely have something to say about them coming but I'm not putting up with him anymore and his fucking anger issues. I think I might be going crazy. Anyway, I just finished getting ready for her funeral.

I gathered everyone and we all went down to the funeral home. It was starting in 10 minutes. It wasn't open casket due to the way she died. Her father was waiting at the entrance. I let everyone go ahead of me.

I felt my blood slightly boil seeing Jay and Hei-ran holding hands and so close to eachother entering the building where Mi-young's service is being held. I dont know why but I hated it so much, seeing them together that is.

I shrugged it off and walked up to Mi-young's father. He had a fake grin on his face. I shook his hand and bowed. "Hey, I forgot to give this back." He said then handed me a folded paper.

Her note. He wanted me to keep it? "Sir but-" "No buts. Take it." He interrupted. I sighed gently and took the note. I tucked it into my pocket with a feeling of dread. It's like I could feel her hand in mine. I liked it.

Never leave me Mi-young, I thought as my mind whirled. I nodded and walked inside, her father following me. I felt the sorrow in the large room as I looked down the row to see her casket at the end. I took a deep breath and sat near the back.

I could see Yeonjun and his brothers a few seats infront of me. All of their heads hung a little. They probably feel responsible. They were, a bit. As much as I want to blame them and Jay it was my fault for leaving her.

I should've gotten her out of Yeonjun's quicker. I should have stayed there with her. I should have read her mind. I knew I should have. I knew I shouldn't had listened to her when she told me to stay out of her mind.

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