7. 𝚅𝚒𝚘𝚕𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚎

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Me and Niki waited for around 25 minutes before anyone came home. The first to come in was Sunoo. I ran up to him quickly, Niki right behind me.

"Is everyone ok?" Was the first thing I asked. "Yeah I guess but Heeseung and Jay got the worst of it, they beat them pretty good." Sunoo reported.

I sighed running my fingers through my hair. "Dont worry yourself. They heal fast." Niki consoled, placing a hand on my shoulder. Jungwon was the next in, he looked tired.

"The rest are coming soon." Jungwon spoke with a muffled tone, almost hesitant to speak. Just then did Jake, Sunghoon, Heeseung and Jay walk in. Jake was helping Jay walk in as Sunghoon helped Heeseung.

They looked beat. Mainly Jay and Heeseung obviously. I teared up almost instantly. Why did I have to let my big mouth run? It's all my fault.

Jake and Sunghoon dragged the beaten two into the living room which was a few rooms down from the main door. Everyone went off but I followed. Jay and Heeseung were laid on the couch and Sunghoon and Jake left to probably clean themselves up.

I slowly stepped over to Jay and Heeseung as they slowly sat up, grunting. "I'm really sorry." I hesitated letting out words. "Its not like you instigated the fight. They did." Jay responded.

"But I was the one that told Yeonjun off." I declared. "Mi-young," Heeseung snapped, "stop it damnit! We dont blame you!" I paused. Not expecting Heeseung out of all to snap at me. You'd think it would be Jay.

Jungwon stormed into the room quickly. "I sure as hell blame her! Look at what her loud mouth has done to you two and you only say you dont-" "Shut up!" Jay snapped.

Jay stood up a little too quick and stumbled. I stood up quickly to, grabbing Jay's arm to help him. "Jay dont. Hes right." I whispered.

"No! Shes was in every right to tell Yeonjun off and he damn well needed it as well! She was right to call us cowards because hell if those who isnt immortal stand up to someone like Yeonjun when we are immortal then we are cowards!" Jay ranted.

"No! You are acting like we were scared of him! You know we only complied because of who he would have gotten involved in the situation. I cant believe you are protecting her when shes nothing but bait!" Jungwon snapped back.

The room went dead silent and my eyes widened at Jungwon's words. I was bait for Yeonjun and his friends? Then why would they get beaten up for me?

'You know our deal Yeonjun' 'Go away you know the plans' 'Plans changed'. I backed away from Jay. "You cant be serious Jungwon." Heeseung said, his voice shaky in shock.

Jungwon's expression became scared as Jay began to shake in anger. Just as Jay was about to swing at Jungwon, Jake, Niki, and Sunghoon came leaping in and pushed Jay back.

Jay didnt move very far obviously. They all three began to hold him back, struggling to do so. Sunoo came in, dragging Jungwon out of the room.

My eyes teared up. "Yah! Cant you see that this is what Yeonjun wants? For is to break apart...so that he can get to her." Jake said, after Jay began to calm down.

"We can find someone else." Heeseung spoke as calmly as he could. "You know why we cant do that Heeseung. Her blood is special. Ancient." Niki responded.

I pushed myself into the corner, hiding my face with my hair and hands as tears unconsciously began to fall. I was shaking out of fear. My blood was ancient? What?

Why would Yeonjun want me then if hes not even a vampire? Werewolves got a thing for blood to? Wait but Jungwon mentioned something else. 'You know we only complied because of who he would have gotten involved in the situation'.

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