12. 𝚄𝚗𝚏𝚊𝚒𝚛

254 12 10

Three weeks later~

Jay pov:

I've been emotionally tired these past few weeks. Hei-ran was very quiet but nice and we talked a lot since she was the only other person in this house that wasnt family. She was very easy to talk to and of I'm not to lie shes pretty.

But I'm still deathly worried about Mi-young. Yeonjun better not lay a goddamn hand on her. Heeseung has been very concealed lately. He hardly talks to any of us unless we go into his room to check on him.

Even when hunting he doesnt say anything. Well he mainly goes alone now anyway. I remember him and Jungwon mentioning a Janghwa. Heeseung told us a little about her and how she had Yumi's blood.

Otherwise he's never really talked about her. Heeseung was in love with her though. Maybe that's why hes so okay with the thought if Mi-young just being alive.

Her being alive was enough for him. I wish I could say the same. I longed her her touch again. I longed to feel her lips on mine. I still feel really guilty about throwing her. But now I had to fall in love with Hei-ran.

I do admit she has grown on me but like her? Ehh, no. I couldn't. Not while Mi-young was still in potential danger. I had to get her out. Then I thought of what Yeonjun said.

He'd kill her if he smelt one of us near his house. Great. Then my thoughts were interrupted by a knock on my door. I sighed and got up to open it. When I did open it I was a little shocked to see who it was.

Hei-ran. It was really late at night. Around 3am. Why is she awake? "What are you doing up Hei-ran?" I asked, my eyes adjusting to hers. "I can't sleep so I thought I could come talk with you." She spoke softly.

Her voice was almost like music. "Yeah sure, come on." I said, letting her in. She smiled brightly. One of the few times I've seen her smile for the past three weeks. She sat on the right side of the bed so I sat on the left.

"I didnt wake you did I?" She asked, suddenly concerned. "Yah I told you vampires dont sleep." I teased, smiling softly. "Right sorry. I'm new to this. It still doesnt feel real." Hei-ran admitted.

I frowned. "I really wish you didnt have to get involved. You deserve to still live a normal life. Not stay locked in here." I acknowledged. "I mean it's honestly the same as from when I lived in town. I hardly left my house. Nobody really liked me." She explained.

That made me frown more. "But why? You're a really sweet girl." I questioned. Hei-ran shrugged. "I guess because its hard for me to open up. But with you it's different. You're really cool." She confessed shyly.

I chuckled and felt my cheeks get hot. I was flustered. My heart suddenly felt warm. "I appreciate it. You also seem really cool." I confessed as well. I hadn't noticed but we were both leaning closer to each other.

Hei-ran was staring deeply into my eyes. She looked curious. Curious about me. It nearly gave me chills. It's the same look Mi-young gave me when she stared into my eyes like that.

Speaking of, she completely slipped my mind after Hei-ran knocked on my door. Oh no. Dont tell me...

Hae-rin ruffled my hair before sitting back up with a giggle. "Are you okay Jay?" She asked with a big smile. I smiled and nodded. I was smiling like a damn idiot. Shes not the one I love. Its Mi-young.

Right? It is. I think. Why does Hae-rin have to do this? Why does she have to be so attractive in so many different ways. Like Mi-young. I'm somewhat irritated now.

This isnt fair. Not to me. Not to Hei-ran. Certainly not to Mi-young.

Mi-young pov:

I laid awake. It's been three weeks and nothing from any of the boys. They would have come to get me by now right? Right? Please. Yeonjun and Soobin when somewhere after I stormed off.

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