Chapter 4

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Athena's POV
A/N they all are what they look like in real life not there GTA characters
I woke up to yelling I could tell they were guys and some girls. All I did was scream then they all ran in. It was the 9 guys again and 3 girls. I looked at them with absolute fear then carefully studied them they wore masks, every single one of them. The masks varied there was 2 monkeys, an owl, a pig, a paper bag, a eagle , a guy with a mustache, a ski mask, and a guy with a tux. The girls wore what I'm guessing our there boyfriends masks in girl version a monkey without the cigar, a pig, and a paper bag with a smile and a bow. Then I screamed again terrified. They seemed surprised I was up. "What's going on here"I screamed
The owl replied "You saw us committing a huge crime no witnesses allowed and now- I cut him off "Are you going to kill me?" He continued "And now you staying with us until we can trust you won't sell us out." I felt a little stupid but, what would I expect? "Can I get your names?" They all looked at each other "Vanoss, Lui, Delirious, Moo, Basically, MiniLadd, Droidd, Daithi De Nogla,Wildcat, Trinity, Mae, and Marcie." They said one by one. "I'm Athena."I replied  "How long was I out?"
"A day and a half and those aren't our real names we can't trust you with our real names" Vanoss said. My stomach growled "ummm."
"Hungry?" Delirious smirked "yeah a little." I replied "What some macaroni and cheese"he said "yes please" I said "I'll be back" Delirious said. He left the room. " We'll give you a room later on" Vanoss replied "Wait who's room am I in"
"Mine" Vanoss said
I blushed slightly but, no one saw. Then everyone left the room except Vanoss. He came close and whispered "Don't worry I been sleeping on the floor" he said and left the room. Delirious came in " I've got foooood" he said. I giggled and dug into the mac and cheese and finished it quickly. "Damn you can eat" he said then laughed. His laughter was contagious and funny sounding. I laughed along my laughter was snorts which made him laugh louder we kept laughing and laughing. I guess this the start of a good friendship.

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