Chapter 19

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Athena's POV
I heard gun shots ring out and looked at everyone."Everyone grab a gun Mae and Lui stay here until we give you the all clear sign." I said strictly. Everyone who was unmasked put on a mask. They nodded when everyone was ready we ran out and I see Evan taking cover and shooting, everyone took cover and we started shooting. Evan looked at me and smiled, "I brought reinforcements." I saw them drop one by one then shooting from the other side stopped. "Did we get them all?" I asked. "He*l yeah we smoked those mother f*ckers!" Delirious cheered. Everyone stood up and checked they were all dead but what I find weird was they all were stationed in threes. Nine bodies is what I counted all together. "Wildcat can you tell Lui and Mae its all clear?" He nodded and ran off.
Mae's POV
The group ran off and left me and Lui behind. Then that's when the shooting got intense I flinched every time I heard a gun shot, hoping everyone's okay. Lui looked at me very worried. "I'm okay Lui it just stings." I said calmly. "Stings my a*s, give me your foot." He said. I sat on the table we had in the room and propped my foot on his hand. He teared part of his shirt and wrapped my foot tightly, I flinched as he wrapped it, the bullet was still in my foot. "To stop the bleeding." He said, I nodded. Then we noticed that the shooting stopped I got really nervous. Lui looked at me and put his finger to his lips telling me to be silent. He grabbed a gun from one of the fallen foot soldiers and then we heard footsteps coming towards the entrance of the shooting range. I could feel my heart hammering through my chest  Lui took aim and... Wildcat burst through the door. "ALL CLEAR SIGN!!" He yelled. I remember laughing then I passed out.
Lui's POV
When Mae passed out I caught her before she hit the ground. I felt her pulse. Her pulse was okay, but we need to get her home. I ran outside with her in my arms bridal style."What happened to Mae is she okay?" Athena asked panicky. " The sooner we get her home the better." I replied. She nodded her head I got to my car last and got home last, we had to be careful we didn't need to draw attention to ourselves we were already wanted by the police. I arrived home last I carried Mae inside and Moo our "doctor" checked out her wound. He grabbed our medical kit and grabbed out tweasers and unwrapped my makeshift bandage off Mae's foot. He then went in he pulled out a bullet. Mae sat up "MOTHER F#CKER!!" She screamed out. I grabbed her before she punched Moo in the face everyone looked at her worried. She took a couple deep breaths while Moo bandaged her foot. "Your going to need a lot of bed rest Mae." Athena playfully scolded. Mae playfully flipped her off. "Mae's back." I yelled.

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