Chapter Ten

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Vanoss's POV
Our secret practice place is an abandoned shooting range. We set up our stations I took Athena around. "Have you shot a gun before?"I asked. She shook her head no. I decided for her to try each gun to see which one she's best at. We tried a sniper first I showed her how to hold it. She shot she hit the chest not bad but she was aiming for the head. Rifle was next she wasn't bad but she wasn't awesome either. She then grabbed a shotgun she aimed fired she didn't miss a shot. Then, we went to get a pistol I taught her how to aim and hold the gun which required me to put my hands around hers. Me and her blushed but I could tell the gun felt comfortable she lifted reloaded and aimed then shot head shot, lung shot, then heart shot. My mouth hung open but she couldn't see because my mask. I thought this weapon was made for her. I decided to teach her hand to hand combat. I taught her block and fighting stances. She had a good punch and they were quick too. I taught her how to kick correctly she was pretty good at sparring. She could kick a person anywhere, well she is a dancer. After another hour we decided to pack up and get going.

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