Day 5

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      Laa Laa woke up to her alarm and got up, she could hear Anne outside her room, probably talking to herself. Laa Laa stretched, changed into her uniform, grabbed her stuff and walked out the door. Anne was writing in her notebook, talking to herself about the student council. She was the president of the student council, Walten was vice, and Laa Laa was just an assistant. Anne looked at her "Good morning Laa Laa," she smiled "I made toast for you.". Laa Laa bowed as a thank you, grabbed her breakfast, and began eating. "So what's your plan for the next meeting?" she asked, "I'm thinking about discussing our policies on school grounds and if we should share about it at the next town hall meeting." Anne said, "You mean like, letting the students decide our policies and choosing the right ones, am I right?" she asked, Anne nodded and smiled. "Sounds like a good idea." Laa Laa smiled back, Anne came up with the greatest ideas, she looked up to her and knew that she would eventually grow successful. She was also popular, most of the guys wanted to date her and most of the girls wanted to be her, including Laa Laa. Anne continued writing as Laa Laa continued getting ready.

~ time skip to lunch ~

      Laa Laa sat next to Po as she read her book, Po was busy talking to the others. Tinky was sitting in silence the whole time, Laa Laa looked at him and noticed him staring at Walten's spot, where he wasn't at today. "Where's Walten?" she asked, Tinky looked at her "H-He said h-he wanted to g-go eat somewhere else t-today." he stuttered. Laa Laa ears perked up as she grew curious as to why, "Do you know where he said?" she asked, "the rooftop". Laa Laa's heart skipped a beat when she heard him say "rooftop". "You should go check on him." she said, Tinky nodded and got up, leaving the table. Laa Laa wanted to follow him but she knew she had to finish her homework. Po looked at her and held her hand, Laa Laa then looked at her, "You doing science again?" she asked. Laa Laa nodded, "You know we don't have homework for today, since it's Friday, right?", Laa Laa got embarrassed, "You made yourself homework again, didn't you?" she giggled. Laa Laa hid her face in her book and nodded, Po laughed and patted her head "You can be weird sometimes.". Laa Laa's face turned red, something about Po just made her heart beat faster. Tinky soon came back "He's fine, he told me to go back by you guys." he said, "Okay." Laa Laa said in response.

~later after school, during the student council meeting~

      Laa Laa sat and watched Anne present her idea to the group, she already knew about it so she didn't feel like she had to pay much attention to it. Laa Laa looked around and noticed Walten sitting far in the back, he usually sat up front since he was vice president. She began to worry about him, after hearing what happened to him yesterday. Tinky told her that his sister came to check on him, but she wasn't treating Walten so kindly. Blaming him for what happened to him and that she would have to pay a serious bill for him to go to the hospital if it ever happened again. Tinky said that she even hit him. She noticed Walten look at her, so she quickly looked away, before she knew it, Anne finished and the meeting ended. Laa Laa quickly got up and tried to get out of there as fast as possible, but Walten stopped her in her tracks. "Hey." he said, "H-Hey." she smiled nervously, Walten reached in his pocket and looked at her, dead in the eyes. He reached out his hand and gave her a little keychain with a sheep on it, Laa Laa looked at him confused. Walten looked down at the floor, "Please give this to Tinky, I won't be able to see him till next week, and i didn't get the chance to give this to him, so please, could you do it for me?" he asked. Laa Laa almost teared up at how adorable he was, "What do you want me to say to him?" she asked as she took the keychain. "Tell him thank you for helping me yesterday." he said, Laa Laa smiled and nodded. He waved goodbye and walked away, Laa Laa left as well, she walked outside, finding Tinky sitting in the car, waiting for her. She walked over and got in the passenger's seat, "Hey Tinky." she smiled, "Hey" he said. "Walten wanted me to give you something." she said, Tinky looked at her, she gave him the keychain and he looked at it in awe. "He wanted me to say thank you for helping him yesterday." she said, Tinky smiled and took it, he couldn't stop smiling, she noticed Tinky's face turned a shade of pink. Laa Laa smiled, and patted his head.

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