Day 7

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      Tinky woke up, it was hard to fall asleep last night because he has no room in the closet. He got up and grabbed his phone, he looked at the time, '7:55'. Tinky jolted upward and hit his head on the door, causing him to yelp in pain. He got up and grabbed his bag and uniform, got out of the room and noticed his roommates weren't there. That made him thankful because he can use the bathroom. He walked inside and quickly changed, brushed his teeth and put on his eyeliner. Before he left he noticed that his tie was messed up, he freaked out because he had it kept the same so he wouldn't have to redo it. Noo Noo never taught him how so he doesn't know how to fix it. He tried his best to do it himself but his fingers wouldn't stop shaking, he grabbed his phone and tried to find a video to help him do it but he struggled to understand it. He couldn't stop shaking and it left him crying. He sat down on the floor and cried, freaked out over the fact that he's going to be even more late because of his stupid tie. Suddenly he heard a knock from the door, Tinky quickly tried to wipe off his tears and walked over to the door. He opened it, "Hey Tink." Walten said, Tinky then started bawling and stuttering. "Calm down, are you okay Tink?" Walten asked and walked inside, Tinky was gesturing to his tie and the bathroom while sobbing his eyes out. He grasped onto his hair and started bashing his fist into his head, repeatedly calling himself "stupid.". Walten grabbed ahold of his arms and pulled in for a hug, leaving Tinky speechless. "I need you to calm down so I can understand you,", the little tubby spoke softly, Tinky felt his cheeks start to burn. Tinky took some deep breaths and tried to think of something to clear his mind a little. Walten let go of him but continued to hold onto his hands, "now please. Tell me what's wrong." he said. His voice cracked a little as he was starting his sentence, clearing his throat he stuttered "M-My t-tie. I-It's messed u-up a-a-and I d-don't know how to f-fix it.". "I can teach you." Walten smiled, Tinky calmed down some more knowing that Walten could help him "I-I'd like that, if you could.". Walten nodded and walked into the bathroom with him, holding his hand. The small tubby untied his own and then helped Tinky untie his. "Here, follow me." he said, Tinky nodded and watched Walten tie his tie, Tinky tried to do the same but his fingers were too shaky to get it right. "I can't Walten! I fucking can't!" he shouted, "Why can't I just be normal!?". Walten touched his hand, which made Tinky's heart start to race and look at him, "It's okay, let me do it for now and we'll keep practicing, don't beat yourself up for it." he said. Tinky slowly nodded and let Walten do his tie. He felt his heart beat faster than before, he didn't freak out though, he liked it. He spaced out looking at him, starting to fidget with his rings. Before he knew it, they made eye contact with each other, making his heart throb and his face heat up. "Come on, let's go, don't want to get marked tardy do we?" Walten giggled, "Y-Yeah" he shyly stuttered.

~at lunch~

      The bell rang, it was the first time Tinky was excited for lunch. He didn't know why. Tinky walked to the lunch room, he looked around the hallway. He didn't know why. He walked inside and over to his usual table. Dipsy was there already and waved to him "Hey Tink.", Po was right next to him on her laptop. Tinky smiled "Hi.", Dipsy looked at him puzzled "You good bro? You're not usually this happy to be at lunch.". Po looked at him "OH MY GOD!!" she screamed at the top of her lungs, "TINKY BEING HAPPY!!??". "Oh come on, it's not like he's never happy." Dipsy said, "I know, I just feel like being overly dramatic today." she smiled. "Anyway, what's got you in such a good mood." Dipsy asked while Tinky sat down, "It's nothing really," he said as he searched around the cafeteria, "have you guys seen Walten around?". "Do you have a crush on Walten!?" Po gasped, "No, it's not like that." he said, Po gave him a look that just screamed 'what the fuck??'. Tinky looked at her "You know what happened last time I had a crush on a guy..." he mumbled, "I know, but Walten's better, plus he's pansexual." she smirked. "How do you know that?" Dipsy asked, inviting himself into the conversation, "He told me." she scoffed, proud that she knows him more than Tinky. Dipsy rolled his eyes and turned around, "He's over there." he said. Tinky ears perked up, he looked over to where Dipsy was pointing. His heart skipped a beat. Walten was sitting with some guy and that guy had his arm around him, like they were a couple.

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