Day 1 Part 1

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 He awoke as soon as he heard his alarm go off, Tinky sleepily groaned as he picked himself up, he grabbed his phone to turn his alarm off. The scent of bacon was in the air, he could tell Laa Laa was making it because she always used her special scent, and it was very easy to smell even from a mile away. He got up and walked over to his calendar, he stopped the second he looked at it, ' September 4th, the first day of school' Tinky growled, school is hell, not only the school but the students. They are so loud, noisy, and aggressive. He sighed, accepting the consequences, Tinky looked over to his school uniform and growled, he hated wearing school uniforms, but they say " it's for the great or good".

Tinky ran his paw down the handrailing, he slowly walked down the stairs, noises came from the kitchen, the sounds of sizzling and talking. He reached the last step and made his way towards the kitchen to meet his friends, Po, Laa Laa, and Dipsy. " Uno reverse!" Po yelled, " ah! No fair!" Dipsy shouted back, she laughed at him, " morning Tinky" Laa Laa said as she noticed Tinky at the doorway. He smiled at her and said morning back, " is Noo Noo up?" he asked " he's already at work" Dipsy responded. Tinky's ears pinned back though he always knew his father leaves for work early, that's why he's left having to take care of his friends. Laa Laa looked at the time " ah! We have to get to school soon, Tinky will you please help me pick this up? Dipsy, pick up the card game. And Po, please, go fix your hair." she said, " yes ma'am!" Po giggled as she skipped towards the bathroom.

~ at school~

Tinky parked the car in the parking lot, Po was the first to get out, then Laa Laa. Dipsy quickly opened the door and ran out, " hey! Where are you going!?" Po yelled, Dipsy turned around but continued running " I gotta see Ron," he said. Po giggled as Tinky slowly hopped out of the car and walked over towards the backseat to grab his bag, " hey Tinky? What class do you have?" Laa Laa asked, he shrugged " probably English..." " ah! Okay, I was just wondering". He closed the car door and locked the car, he watched as Po ran up towards the school, Laa Laa picked up some speed and followed the other, Tinky smiled and continued walking, but his heart told him to go back to the car. He ignored it and just kept on walking.

Tinky had his head against his locker as he put in the code on the lock, he finally opened it and took the lock off to open the locker door, Tinky set his bag inside. His ears twitched as he heard a slight grunt, he looked to his right and saw a little white tubby struggling to reach his locker, he giggled a little at how funny the tubby looked. He walked towards the tubby and asked " do you need help?" " oh, yes please", the tubby backed up to let Tinky help. Tinky took the lock and asked the other what his code was, the tubby told him his code, Tinky nodded and put in code then instantly felt something build up inside him. He looked down at his hands, his claws showed easily, he always tried his best to get rid of them but they always came back, he took a deep breath through his nose and smelt the scent of cinnamon. He opened the locker and instantly walked over to his own, " thank you" the little tubby said, making Tinky tense up, he sank his claws in his arms to calm himself down, but he continued to shake in many emotions. He quickly grabbed the stuff he needed and slammed the locker door shut, the white squeaked at the very loud bang, Tinky gripped onto his stuff and quickly ran off to class.

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