Day 3 part 1

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 Dipsy quickly grabbed all of his stuff, his notebooks, his drum sticks, and anything else he needed in class or clubs. " dude it's 5:41, school doesn't start till 7:30, it's still too early" his roommate Dutch said, " it's never too early!!" Dipsy shouted, Dutch groaned " I haven't even had my coffee yet...", Dipsy smirked and set a mug full of coffee on the counter. Dutch looked at him weirdly, " plan ahead" he said " what the legit f*ck?", he smiled and happily walked towards the door. " did you seriously wake up extra early just to catch that Ron person at the entrance again?" Dutch asked, Dipsy turned around " you got a problem with that?". He sighed " you're a dumb*ss...", Dipsy giggled " I'll see ya later" " cya", Dipsy quickly opened the door and ran out.

~ at the school's entrance~

Dipsy stood and waited for his lovely blueberry, the two have been friends since 3rd grade, Ron was always the strict and smart one who always knew what to do, while Dipsy's described as the dumb one, yet popular. He's actually the president of the Drama club. He smiled brightly as he noticed Ron walking towards him, Ron looked beautiful, as always, but it amazes him every day. Ron stopped right in front of him " Dipsy, I'm not surprised... and when did you wake up at?", " 3 am!" he said happily, making Ron giggle " you're stupid". Dipsy smiled " hey at least I finally caught up to you!", Ron sighed " indeed you did... now leave me alone," he said as he attempted to walk away from him, but Dipsy stopped him " wait I want to ask you something" " what?" Ron said sounding grumpy. Dipsy smiled and said " I was wondering if you're free tonight", the tubby crossed his arms " you know I have work after school", " After that." " I have to go to visit my family tonight to take care of my brothers and sisters" Ron stated. " well you have your dad and aunt, why aren't they watching them," he asked, " because my dad is going out on a date tonight, and my aunt is visiting my grandparents in Japan". Ron tried to walk away from him again, but Dipsy stopped him again, " what if I helped you?" he asked with a smile, Ron sighed " you're really not gonna leave me alone until you get a yes?", Dipsy nodded. " fine... meet me at United Road at 7:30, okay?" Ron said, making Dipsy smile and fill with excitement, he swiftly grabbed Ron and held the tubby in his arms, " Dipsy!!" Ron yelled, Dipsy turned to the school door and started walking.

~ in class~

Dipsy sat on his seat, watching as the teacher explained something that had to do with English, he sighed in boredom and looked over to Tinky, who sat just a few desks away. They sat far in the back, Dipsy sat closest to the window, while Tinky sat on the other side of the classroom. Tinky kept his eyes focused on something that clearly wasn't the teacher, Dipsy looked over to whatever he was looking at, it was that same kid they met yesterday. Walten was it? Anyway, Tinky just kept his eyes on the boy, while Walten paid attention to the teacher. Dipsy jumped a little as he heard the bell ring, he looked back over to Tinky, the tubby just sat and stared at Walten. Dipsy couldn't tell if Tinky just liked Walten, or something else. He shrugged a little and started getting his stuff together and ready for his next class, " hey Crybaby!" a voice said, it sounded like it was coming from near Tinky's desk, ' Miles' he thought. He glanced over to Tinky and Miles, " hey what do you got there?" Miles said, his hand gripping onto Tinky's journal, Dipsy new Tinky kept that journal for his own personal things, basically like a diary, but Tinky called it a journal. Tinky instantly grabbed the book and pulled it away from Miles' grasp. All of the students' eyes were on the two, Dipsy quickly looked over to the teacher's desk, but they weren't there, nor in the class, he looked back at Tinky and Miles. Miles smirked and took it from him quickly, Tinky had a panicked expression on his face and tried to take his book back. But Miles opened it up " dear journal" he read out loud, " Mi-" " I met a little tubby today, his name is Walten... how cute~," Miles said to tease with him, " Miles give it back, that's mine!". The dark green tubby climbed up onto a desk, he stood tall and continued to read out loud to the whole class, Dipsy knew Tinky wanted to get up and grab his journal, but Tinky sat in silence, he stared at the floor and started to cry a little. " oh jeez, sounds like this ' Walten' guy is your boyfriend!" Miles chuckled, " h-he's no-not my boy-boyfriend" Tinky stuttered. Dipsy stood up but stopped, " Miles, give Tinky his journal back," Walten said, standing right next to Miles, " oh... you" Miles growled, the little tubby held up his paw in front of him, gesturing him to give it back, Miles sighed and dropped the book onto the floor. Walten growled and bent down to pick up Tinky's book, Miles hopped off the desk, he looked over to Walten " you always ruin the fun Whitesh*t". Dipsy looked at Walten, shocked a little, the little tubby walked over to Tinky and gave him his journal. Tinky looked at him, his eyes widened, " sorry he bothered you, here's your book". Tinky slightly smiled " th-thank you", Dipsy noticed Tinky blushing a little. The other students continued to start making their way to class, Dipsy sighed in relief that Tinky finally found someone else to trust.

~ gym~

After English, came Gym, one of his favorite classes. The only people he knew that was in his class was Tinky, Ron, Po, and Miles. Sadly, Laa Laa had a study hall during this period, so Po could follow him the whole class time and talk about nonsense. But the good thing is, Ron was there. Dipsy quickly put on his shirt and closed his locker, he walked over to Ron's locker, which was on the other side of his. Ron took off his shirt, making Dipsy blush a little, " uh hey Ron!" he said, the blue tubby looked at him, " hey" Ron said blankly. Dipsy smiled and said, " Hey, um... do you know what we have to do for gym?", " he's making us run laps because it's only the third day of school," Ron explained as he put his shirt in his locker. Dipsy looked at Ron's back and noticed a couple of bruises near his waist and shoulders, " hey where did you get those?" he asked, Dipsy placed his paw on Ron's back, making Ron jump a little and back away. Dipsy looked at him, concerned why he backed away, he then noticed the bandages on Ron's arms, Dipsy reached out to touch them. But Ron hit his hand and went back to changing, Dipsy backed up, knowing that Ron was in a cranky mood.

Dipsy sat, watching the teacher as he quickly took attendance. He looked over to Tinky, Tinky sat with his arms wrapped around his legs and had his eyes focused on the floor. ' weirdo' Dipsy thought before turning his attention back to the teacher, ' yet our normal Tinky'. The teacher set his clipboard on the floor and announced, " today I'm gonna go easy on you guys, we're going outside today because it's nice outside. But we are still going to be running laps, and you'll have a partner your choice to-", half of the class cheered when he mentioned ' your choice'. He continued " so I want you to pick a partner or two, line up towards the door, then we'll make our way outside. Go,", the whole class got up and spread around to go find a partner, Dipsy quickly got up and ran over to Ron. " Ron!" he yelled, Ron looked at him as he stopped in front of him, " wanna be my-" Ron quickly shut him up, " partner, I know, you ask me every time." he giggled and nodded. Dipsy smiled, he glanced over to Tinky, Tinky was still sitting there. Dipsy slowly started to walk towards him, but Walten stepped in front of Tinky first and tapped the tubby's head to get his attention, making the taller look at the little tubby and smile, just a bit. Making Dipsy smile. The two talked for a bit, then Tinky got up and walked towards the group with Walten right beside him. " Dipsy, come on" Ron said behind him, Dipsy turned around and started walking towards the others.

~ outside~

Dipsy walked behind Tinky and Walten, Tinky laughed a bit as Walten continued to talk, ' Tinky hasn't laughed in ages, usually, he either stays quiet or just mumbles'. But Dipsy was happy that his friend was happy. Ron walked beside him, watching Tinky and Walten too, Dipsy yawned a little and stretched his arms, before he knew it, someone hopped onto his back, causing him to almost collapse. " Go! Go!" a female voice chanted, Dipsy looked at whoever it was, it was Po, he completely forgot she was in even in his class. " come on! Go!!!!" she yelled, Dipsy smirked, knowing what she meant, and started running, " WOOOH!!!" Po yelled. Dipsy giggled a little and continued running, Po wrapped her arms and legs around him, " YOU'RE TOO FAST DIPSH*T!!!!" she yelled, then Po roughly hit him on the head, causing him to accidentally trip. " Dipsy!" Ron yelled, Dipsy picked himself up as Ron ran over to him, he looked around to see if Po was ok. But she wasn't anywhere, he panicked " PO!?", Dipsy got up, ran over to the hill near him, and saw Po rolling down. Dipsy watched without thinking to run over and stop her, but it was too late, she rolled into a bush near a tree, Ron ran over with Tinky and Walten behind him, " Is she okay?" Ron shouted. Nothing happened, Dipsy was about to start running down to help her, but Po got up from inside the bush and yelled " THAT WAS AWESOME!". They all sighed in relief that she was okay, Po got out of the bush and ran back up to them, " oh thank god you're alive! Are you hurt?" Tinky asked, " I'm fantastic!" Po yelled. " But I think I lost my tooth," Po said, she put her paw in her pocket, and pulled out a tooth, covered with blood. Making Tinky almost faint, Dipsy's eyes widened in surprise, while Walten quickly helped Tinky stay on his feet.

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