Day 2

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 Walten woke up to see Ron looking at him, " get up" he said blankly, shaking Walten awake, Walten groaned tiredly, he felt a pain in his leg. He lifted his leg and winced in pain, " can I please have a little bit more time to get up?" he asked, Ron nodded and walked out the door. Walten whimpered, he didn't know who it was that attacked him last night, he felt scared, unsafe, and in danger. He only knew the tubby had purple fur, they had a deep voice from what he could tell, their claws were sharp, and the figure was pretty huge. Walten lifted himself from the bed, he limped towards the door " hey Ron?", " yeah?" Ron called from the bathroom, " do you have any bandages? Or a few band-aids?" he asked. Ron jumped a little " are you okay?" he asked as he started looking through the cabinets, " I got attacked last night..." Walten nervously laughed, Ron looked at him worryingly " do you want me to call the cops and tell them what happened?". " no, no. It's fine, no need. It was probably just an accident" Walten smiled, he didn't want to cause chaos at school over one little thing, Ron grabbed some bandages and walked over to him. Walten lifted his leg to let Ron bandage it, he looked at Ron's arms and saw blood seeping out of his sleeves " what did you do?" he asked worryingly, Ron's hands stopped, his ears pinned back. He finished bandaging up his leg " just get ready", he got up and quickly went back inside the bathroom.

~ in math class~

Walten looked at the board confusingly, he took a quick glance around the classroom, he looked over to the red tubby beside him " uh hey, can you help me with this?" he asked her, the red tubby looked at him. She moved her pigtail out of the way and said " sure, let me see", Walten handed her his notebook, the red tubby took a good look at it " I'm pretty sure you have to round that, then multiply it with the fraction, and I think that's it.", " ah! Thank you so much" he said, she smiled " no prob.". Walten grabbed his notebook and went straight to work, his ears pinned back at the sudden feeling of being watched, he turned around to see if anyone was watching him, but there was no sign of anyone looking at him. It felt weird, but Walten shrugged and went back to work.

~ end of class, lunch time~

The bell rang, Walten sighed and stayed in his seat, ' I don't want to leave... I mean what's the point in leaving when you don't even have friends to eat lunch with' he thought to himself " hey there", he looked up and saw the red tubby in front of him. " hi, I'm Po. I was wondering if you would like to hang out with me and my friends during lunch," she politely said with a huge smile on her face, Walten slightly smiled " I-I would love to, I'm Walten by the way." he said as he lifted himself from his seat and held out his paw, Po smiled and shook his paw.

The two walked together in the hallways, the sounds of the other students talking and lockers slamming shut were around them, Po blabbered on and on about whatever she was talking about. Walten clenched onto his backpack and kept his eyes directed towards the floor, " oh Tinky! I want you to meet someone!" Po yelled all of a sudden, he looked up, there stood the same tubby who helped him the other day. The tall tubby nervously looked down at Po, while she jumped up and down happily, ' jeez could he get any taller, the guy looked like his antenna could almost touch the ceiling'. Po started tugging the tall tubby's arm, pulling him towards Walten, Walten looked at the two curiously as she continued to pull him closer. " TINKY!!! STOP BEING A WUSSY AND MAN UP FOR ONCE!!!!" Po shouted, making Walten slightly laugh, " YOU ARE A MOUNTAIN! HOW CAN YOU BE SO AFRAID TO MEET SOMEONE!?", the other made weird squeak noises behind her and had a nervous yet afraid look on his face. Po eventually gave up, she looked at him and sighed " sorry... my friend here has a hard time meeting new people,", Walten smiled " it's fine", the tall one looked at him nervously, Walten looked over to him, their eyes locked. They stared at each other for a bit before the other quickly turned around, ran up to one of the lockers, pressed his forehead against the locker door, and put his paws in his pockets. Walten laughed a little, making the tubby look back at him slightly. Po quickly grabbed his paw, she walked over to him and grabbed him by the wrist, and began dragging them both towards the cafeteria.

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