Day 6

442 11 9

Sorry if it isn't as good

~next week Monday~

      Po jolted awake and looked at the time, she was already late for school and her stupid roommate didn't think about waking her up. Po quickly grabbed her stuff and shoved them in her bag, she put her uniform on and attempted to put her hair in pigtails, but it wasn't as neat as how Laa Laa does it. Po ran out the door, downstairs, making her way outside, and to the school entrance. She walked in and for the first time, the hallways were empty, which amazed her. Po walked to class, opened the door, and ran to the back of class next to Laa Laa, "Hi Laa Laa." Po smiled, "Hey," Laa Laa purred. "What's up with your hair?" she asked, "I was rushing, my stupid roommate didn't wake me up," Po growled. The yellow tubby giggled, she smiled brightly, it always made her feel warm inside whenever she did that, "Why don't you let me fix your hair.".

~later at math~

      Po was sitting at her desk, usually, Walten is sitting next to her, always early, but he wasn't there. She got worried but he thankfully showed up, late this time, which isn't normal. He always kept his hair out of his face, this time it was covering his eyes, Po just assumed he didn't want to look at her, so she shrugged it off. Walten sat next to her "Hey." Walten said, he didn't sound cheerful, like usual, he sounded sad or something. "What's wrong?" she asked as she attempted to move his hair out of his eyes, but Walten looked away, "Nothing," he spoke in a stern tone. Po sort of freaked out and backed away, in hopes of not pissing him off again. Walten stayed silent during class, he always answered each question correctly everyday, and today he didn't, he answered every once in a while but got it wrong. Every time he got it wrong, she would notice him punching his knee, it was weird. Once class was over, she asked if he was going to sit with them again, but he said he was going somewhere else. She assumed the worst but didn't want to invade anything personal and upset him.

~later at lunch~

      Po noticed Tinky wasn't sitting at the lunch table either, "Hey Dipsy?" she said, "Yeah?" Dipsy replied, "Have you seen Tinky?" she asked. Dipsy looked at her "I have no clue", "I saw him walking to the guidance counselor's office with Walten." Ron mentioned. Po got up from her seat "Do you think I should head over there to make sure they're alright?" she asked, "Sure." Dipsy sighed as he was on his phone. Po nodded and ran to the office, she's never been there before because she was supposedly not as unique as Tinky. She was special, that's what Dipsy says, but Laa Laa usually hits him and calls him stupid when he says that. Po opened the door and looked inside, Tinky was sitting on a couch with Walten, he was talking and smiling, and she was happy to see him do that, he rarely does anything at home and barely smiles. Walten soon noticed her and waved hello, Po walked inside "Hey." she smiled, "Hi, sorry I sounded pissy at you earlier." Walten giggled awkwardly. "It's okay," Po smiled, "So what are you two talking about?" she asked. "Walten was telling me about his old school." Tinky stuttered, he weirdly looked at her, which was telling her that he didn't want her there. Po sat down "Tell me about it." she smiled while Tinky gave her a death stare. Walten began talking, he mentioned a few people she knew at this school, she was intrigued to listen, she's barely met anyone with a different perspective, since she only hangs out with Tinky, Dipsy, and Laa Laa. It was nice, yet uncomforting with Tinky watching her like a hawk.

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