Day 1 Part 2

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~ at lunch~

Tinky ran towards the little table he normally sat with his friends, he quickly sat down next to Dipsy " I need your help he said. He had a hard time looking at Dipsy, mostly because he had his hair over his right eye, " what's wrong?" Dipsy asked. Tinky sighed and moved the hair out of his eye, Dipsy gasped moved Tinky's hair back " your eye is pitch black again? I thought that was only supposed to happen till dark?". Tinky shrugged as Dipsy got up from his seat, " code black" he said to Laa Laa who was reading a book beside him, Dipsy took Tinky by the hand and dragged him outside to the hallway.

Dipsy stopped when they both were outside " what happened?", Tinky shrugged " I don't know, it started acting up when I was helping this tubby out... I thought it was just my anxiety, but my claws started sticking out like a sore thumb." he said. Dipsy looked at him with a worried expression on his face, " I don't know how else to help you" Dipsy said, " but try talking to Laa Laa, she knows more than I do". He nodded and walked back inside the cafeteria, he looked around at the different tubbies, his eyes came across the white tubby from before sitting at a table by himself, Tinky made his way over to his table and kind of kept his eye on the white one. He felt his body slowly start to ache, his claws showed up again, and he felt a slight pain in his right eye. Tinky looked away and faced his attention to his food.

~ after school~

Dorms, yay. The one thing most teens hate, especially Tinky, Noo Noo told him it was social anxiety, but really he was worried about hurting someone. Tinky gripped onto his bag and looked at the green tubby beside him, Dipsy looked at him and smiled " what dorm number do you have?", Tinky held his key, he looked at the tag " #527". Dipsy looked at his " sh*t, I have #528. But hey, at least we are dorm neighbors." he said as he nudged Tinky by the shoulder, Tinky giggled a bit. Dipsy turned around and started walking backward, Tinky looked at him weirdly " what are you doing?" he laughed. Dipsy started Moonwalking, Tinky laughed uncontrollably as Dipsy began dancing, but he stopped. Tinky looked at him weirdly and noticed Dipsy looking behind him, he turned around and saw Ron walking towards them, Tinky growled knowing how Dipsy would react, " Ronny!!~" Dipsy yelled behind him. Dipsy ran towards Ron and jumped on top of him " Dipsy!!!" Ron yelled, " I've missed you, baby," he said, " Dipsy, two things, one, We haven't seen each other for only 20 minutes. And two, We're not dating". Dipsy continued to hug him " but it felt like weeks, months even. Heck, it felt like years!!" " 20 minutes dumb*ss..", Ron growled and pushed Dipsy off, " hey what dorm number do you have?" Dipsy asked as he followed the other, " #332" Ron responded " damnit" he growled in frustration. Tinky followed the two as they talked to each other, he walked in silence, he looked off to the side and noticed the same white tubby from before, the tubby looked around for a bit. Tinky kept his eye on him, the tubby's eyes focused on the dorm and for a second the tubby's eyes looked at him, Tinky jumped a little and faced the others.

Tinky unlocked the door to his room, he heard yelling in the room and thought his roommate was just mad, but the second he opened the door he realized, he had two roommates, yay. He quickly opened the door and there stood two tubbies, the tallest was one of the most popular tubbies in school, Yeti the top football player. While the other was Claw, the top Basketball player, Tinky also played Basketball, but he wasn't the best. The two yelled at each other, something about the top bunk, he shrugged and walked towards the two, " Hey, I'm Tinky, your roommate..." he held out his paw. Claw was the first to look at him " hello." he said, Tinky slightly smiled, he looked at Yeti who was growling, "are there two beds? Or is there only a bunk?" he asked. Claw looked at Yeti " yeah, oof... you're gonna have to sleep in the little closet over there... sorry man" he said, Claw pointed over to a little closet, Tinky's ears pinned back " oh, that's fine". Tinky walked over to the closet and opened the door, he looked inside and found very little room, he sighed ' thank god I brought a sleeping bag just in case', he walked inside and put his stuff on the floor. His ears perked up as he looked down at his claws, Tinky sighed, he walked out of his closet and walked towards the door " I'm going out for a bit" he said.

~ outside~

Tinky took a deep breath as he released all his stress, he felt the black ooze that usually dripped out of his eyes fall down his cheeks, he ran his fingers through his hair. Tinky purred in the silence, he was all alone so he could feel free in the dark, his claws showed, his teeth grew sharper, he felt stronger. But it all stopped as he heard a small step from the distance, he jumped a little and sprinted towards one of the pillars he was near, Tinky held his breath just in case, he peeked around the pillar to see whoever it was. The white tubby, his ears pinned back, he bared his teeth as he smelled the sweet scent of cinnamon, Tinky kneeled down and placed his paw down onto the floor. The white tubby walked towards the water fountain in the middle of the garden that surrounded it, it paused for a bit and looked around, Tinky hid once again to make sure it wouldn't see him. The tubby continued to walk towards the fountain, Tinky got down on all fours and crawled towards the fountain as well, surprisingly the tubby didn't notice. The tubby sat down on a bench and looked up at the night sky above them, " Hey mom, hey dad. It's my first day at a new school today." the tubby said out loud, Tinky crawled towards the little tubby silently. " it went... pretty well. My roommates are nice... classmates were nice, teachers as well" Tinky drew closer to the tubby, he faintly growled. " A nice guy this morning helped me out. He seemed to have some issues, but anyway he was nice", Tinky stood up, he faced his claws towards the tubby's body ready to pounce at any moment. The tubby stayed silent, its head faced the floor, Tinky's claws slowly came closer to the tubby, he growled at his prey. But everything stopped as the tubby started running, he sprinted towards the tubby and swiftly grabbed it by the leg, he roughly landed on one knee, pulling the tubby closer, Tinky quickly wrapped his arm around him to make sure it wouldn't escape. Tinky's claws sank into the other's leg, the tubby he held captive in his arm whimpered, the tubby was short and soft, he had the scent of cinnamon and most importantly... blood. It was dark around them, the water from the fountain made a very little sound behind him, the white tubby continued to whimper as Tinky's paw covered the other's mouth. He had the urge to kill the tubby right on the spot, but something begged him not to. They stood for a while in silence, Tinky loosened his grip to let the white tubby get somewhat comfortable. Tinky took his paw off the other's mouth, he unwrapped his paws around the white to let him free, " run... don't look back... just run..." he said. The little tubby climbed over Tinky's legs and booked it towards the dorms, he watched as the little tubby ran.

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