Day 8

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what's silly is that i'm posting this a year later from the last one lol

Trigger warning: some sensitive topics near the end

Also partial spoilers if you are reading my rewritten version

Another note that this isn't that good, due to the reason why i'm rewriting it but since people still like it, i'll try to finish, but if it doesn't sound good, that's my fault, blame me.

And quick question, should I give them more human names in the rewritten since i plan on making them human.

Walten walked into school early, he had to retake a test. He did get a good grade on it, but he wants it to be better since he's determined to get all A's and get to college. Walten walked upstairs and noticed Ron walking down the hallway. "Hey!" he shouted running over to him. He never realized how tall Ron was, of course he wasn't as tall as Tinky but like why the fuck is everyone so tall? Ron looked at him, holding a canvas in his hands and his hair up in a small ponytail. His eyes were very noticeable, he could tell something was different about Ron's other eye that he clearly wasn't comfortable with people seeing since he looked flustered and was frantically trying to fix it. "What's that you have in your hands?" he asked, pointing towards the canvas. Ron blushed a little and showed him, "I-It's something i'm working on in my IB painting class..." he said in a whisper. The painting resembled a feminine figure with arms reaching out of the darkness, blood was flowing out of the woman's eyes and scars all over her body as the hands were grasping into her. Walten was of course concerned but amazed by how detailed his painting was. "It looks amazing," he smiled. Ron just hid his face behind his hair and nodded as a gesture of gratitude. "Are you taking it to class right now?" he asked. Ron nodded, "Yeah, I finished it last night.", Walten looked at him puzzled, "But i never saw you work on it.". Ron slowly started heading towards class "My setup is on the balcony.", Walten followed "I never noticed." he giggled.

~later in math class~

Walten stared at the board, half asleep. He should've bought an energy drink. Suddenly he feels someone tap his shoulder, he turns around. His new friend Lenny was sitting there. He started talking to him yesterday, they started a project together explaining something they learned freshman year. "So, wanna sit with me at lunch again?" he asked. Walten looked at the teacher, who in fact was too busy talking about whatever he was teaching, and then turned around to face him. "I promised my friend Tink that I would sit with him today.". Lenny rolled his eyes, "But i need help with my homework Snowball.". "I've only met you yesterday and you already gave me a nickname?" Walten asked, giggling. Lenny smiled "I mean you're my friend and you look like a snowball so might as well.". Walten noticed Po looking at them, he could tell she hated Lenny. Shortly after the bell rang, Lenny got up and messed up Walten's hair before leaving. Walten smiled and started packing his things. "Why do you talk to him?" Po suddenly asked, he looked at her, "He's nice." he smiled, his cheeks warming up. She gasped dramatically, "YOU LIKE RON'S BROTHER!??" she screamed, echoing throughout the classroom, "Keep your voice down, I don't like him." he squeaked, Po growled "That guys an asshole, don't associate yourself with him, just ask Ron." she huffed, crossing her arms. "I'm not asking Ron anything, besides he's probably already got a girlfriend or something." grabbing his stuff, he walked out of the classroom with Po following besides him. Putting his hair back the way it was, Po started yapping at him, "I heard the last person he dated never came back since the last time they went out, he probably murdered them." she said, "They probably ended up suspended or something." he sighed, walking over to his locker, putting his stuff away and grabbing his lunch. Tinky walked over to them, looking pissed. Walten sighed, "Are you both mad at me?" he asked, confused, the taller one shook his head and grabbed Walten's hand. Looking at him, Tinky asked softly "I'm going to eat lunch in the guidance counselor's office, can you come with?", he hesitated, but decided to go with Tinky since he would be alone, "Sure," he looked over to Po, "can you tell Lenny that I'll be going somewhere else today?" he asked. Po rolled her eyes, "Okay lover boy." she grunted, storming off. Tinky tilted his head like a curious puppy, "It's nothing for you to worry about Tink, let's just go." he said, Tinky smiled a bit, awkwardly letting go of Walten's hand. He smiled at him before heading to the guidance counselor office.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22 ⏰

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