Day 4

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sorry for the shorter chapter! also, there may be some triggering moments near the end so be careful!

also if there are any errors, please let me know


      Ron woke up, laying on the floor with Dipsy's arms around his waist, both of them bundled up in a blanket. They must've fallen asleep after hours of talking to each other last night. Ron got up and yawned, Dipsy grabbed him and put him back in his arms, to which Ron squeaked in surprise and blushed. He quickly shoved Dipsy away, waking him up. Dipsy growled in annoyance, he grabbed the blanket and looked at Ron with a wide grin. "Why the hell are you looking at me like that?" Ron asked, clearly pissed, Dipsy snatched him and wrapped him up in the blanket. He giggled as Ron grew flustered. "My blueberry burrito." Dipsy said, sounding all high mighty like he achieved something great. "Sounds as stupid as you are," Ron murmured, "NOW GET ME OUT OF THIS GODDAMN TRAP!!!", Dipsy smirked, "No.". Ron's eye twitched in frustration, "Mind repeating that cabbage head...?" he asked. Dipsy instantly took the blanket off of him "Sorry.". Ron sighed "Thank you.", Dipsy smiled, making Ron's heart skip a beat by how dorky and adorable he looked. "We should get ready for school, I don't want to get marked tardy again." Dipsy giggled, Ron nodded and asked "Want me to make you some toast?", Dipsy nodded "and with—" "and with a load of peanut butter, I know," he said as he cut him off.

~at school, and in the evening~

Ron walked to class as Dipsy continued to talk nonstop, he noticed Walten laying on the floor. "And that's when I started speaking German without even learning how to." Dipsy said, Ron walked over to Walten, "Hey!? Where ya goin'!?" Dipsy yelled running after him. Ron noticed Walten had passed out, he was covered in bruises and had blood dripping out of his mouth. Ron picked Walten up "We need to get him to the nurse's office!" He shouted at Dipsy, Dipsy nodded as Ron began running. When they reached the office, Tinky was there. 'Oh shit...' Ron knows how Tinky reacts to blood, it triggers his other side. He figured this out a few months ago, Po accidentally cut herself as they were fishing, Tinky completely changed and attacked her the second he smelt her blood. Dipsy opened the door and walked inside to talk to the nurse. The nurse quickly walked outside the office, Ron caught a glimpse of Tinky's face, he didn't look scared, he looked off. He usually looks all gloomy, but this time, Tinky looked furious, which kinda scared him. The nurse brought Walten inside as Tinky walked up to him. Tinky's eyes were starting to fade into darkness, "What happened...?" he said fiercely, his deep voice made Ron scared. "I-I don't know, I found him passed out in the hallway." he stuttered, "Was there anyone else around...?" Tinky asked. Ron shook his head, Tinky's eyes went back to normal as he whimpered. He must've dug his claws into his palms because he started rubbing his paws against his pants. "Once he wakes up, we'll ask him who did it, okay?" Ron said softly, Tinky nodded.

~later that night~

Ron paced around in the dorm room, he began to worry about Walten, it's about 5 hours since they brought him to the nurse. Tinky wouldn't stop panicking about it so Dipsy brought him to the park to calm down. Ron began to lose hope but soon heard the door open, his ears perked up as he looked at the door, Walten stood there with his sleeve rolled up and a few bandages around his hand and wrists, Ron smiled and ran over to him, "Thank god you're okay!!" he shouted as he hugged him. Walten stood there with a blank expression, "Are you okay...?" Ron asked. Walten looked at him with a fake smile "Everything is fine" he said softly, he walked away. Ron caught a glimpse of his arm, he had strange marks on his arms, he couldn't quite make out what they were, but it didn't seem good, he tried to say something but Walten was already in the bathroom.

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