Chapter Three •Being Edited•

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Thank you so much for commenting XxSnowWhiteXx! It made me so happy you liked/loved it :) So I am dedicating this chapter to you because you were my first commenter ever! Anyways, the third chapter is finally up! YAYYYY!


Chapter Three

I froze. How could this little piece of paper that had three words on it scare me so much? I'm starting to wish I never got up, opened the door, picked up the box, and opened it! But what did I do? I did all of those things. I can't wait until my mom gets home. What if someone breaks in? What if someone kidnaps me while I'm asleep? What if the person who sent me the box, came back to abduct me? All those questions were swimming around my head, making my heart beat faster and faster at the thought. I could just see myself getting knocked out and carried away to a black truck, then hual- What am I doing?! I'm only making this situation worse!

Maybe I should call Bliss and ask if she could come over. Yeah maybe I should do that! Wait.. I don't have her number yet... Shit... I have nothing else to do then! Just on cue, my doorbell rings. I tuck my head deeper into my legs, hiding myself from whoever is behind the door. I knew it, my kidnapper is coming back! The doorbell rang again after no response. Man my kidnapper is awfully stupid! Who in the world would open their door after recieving a note that said that, meaning they were definatley coming back. Obviously not me! "Go away!" I shout. The doorbell rings for the third time , making me sigh and finally give in. I hope I won't regret this, but that person is annoying me, and I want it to stop. Just in case, I pick up an umbrella (I know, weak weapon) and peek through the window and see... Angela? I quickly open the door and she runs in, panting, slamming the door shut and locking it.

"Angela? What's wrong? How'd you even find my house?" I asked worry, and confusion taking over my features. "You- have- too- hide-now." She says through her heavy panting. Angela is pretty fit, but she acts like she ran a marathon for hours. "From who?" "F-from." She manages to say. I don't know if she was home or not when she ran here, but I would understand if she wasn't, I mean I kind of live- no actually I live a long way from the nearest mall, so if she was near there, I would understand why she wasn't able to catch her breathe. "Not to be rude or anything, but COULD YOU JUST SPIT IT OUT?!" I say, getting scared at the thought of Angela bumping into my kidnapper/killer. "You have to hide from Zayn!" My heart stopped. Ok, it didn't really stop but it felt like it did. "W-why do I have to hide from Zayn?" Ever since I first saw him, I would get this bad feeling, like anytime I glanced at him and his little 'friends.' "Um... I hope I don't sound stalkerish, but I was in front of your house, in a bush because I saw Zayn's black van pull out of nowhere, and I panicked and just slipped into your bush. I thought he would pass, but he didn't so I stayed frozen in my place, praying he didn't see me." I nodded for her to continue. "So as I was saying, I watched as he parked right across your house and got out, with a box, the all too familiar box everyone is scared of." My eyebrows furrowed. "You mean that box?" I ask pointing to the open box on the table, with that horrible note inside.

She nodded her head. "Why is everyone scared of it?" Angela's features changed to a bored expression. It was almost like that expresion that mom's do when their child suggests the same story, over, and over again. She sighed loudly before beginning "Okay Kendall, let's hear a little story." She said boredly, walking over to my couch and patting the seat next to her. I did as told and waited for her to start. "Well where do I begin? Oh I know! Okay, so, I'm assuming you already read the note inside right?" Angela asked, pointing to the opened box. I nodded my head. "Ok so now you know you were chosen?" I furrowed my eyebrows. "No? Okay... It said something like you're next, or you have been chosen...Right?" "It said you're next Kendall, in really clear writing." I responded. She nodded her head. "Okay so that means you are chosen." "I still don't get it." She sighed loudly. "It means... That Zayn and his 'pal's' are out to get you because they somehow found you interesting." Well that hurt. "Oops, that came out wrong. I meant that him and his gang never chose anyone new, so you must be special, but in a bad way."

"Okay, back to the story. Everyone is scared of it, because if they see one of them with that box, it might be a possibility that it's them." Their was a pause before she spoke up again. "Oh yeah I forgot what I was saying... Well I watched him come up to you're door and I instantly knew you were chosen. He looked around real quick before ringing the bell, then sprinted towards his van and drove off." So it was Zayn! I thought it was Harry at first but then I remembered I somehow lost him, then assumed it was a kidnapper/killer.

"How'd I not see you? I'm usually really good at spotting any movement." I said thinking back to when I looked around. "I already left the bush and was about to head home until I remembered they might stalk you, so I came back to warn you." I nodded "So how should I hide from him?" "Lock all doors, windows, anything that can easily open, close all curtains, or make sure something is at least covering you're windows, and lastly, TRY to avoid them in school and public if that's possible. If you somehow can't do that, make sure their are witnesses, meaning your in eye sight." She explained. After she left, I made sure I did everything she told me too do, and waited patiently for my mom to come home.

My next challenge is the hardest. Avoid them at all times. How will I do that if they always hang out in that hallway, when its practically empty, they also seem to stalk me in public. Gosh this is going to be hard.


Next day....

"Kendall! School!" My mom yelled from downstairs. I groaned and rolled over in my bed, not wanting to get up. "Kendall! I know you're not up!" My mom yelled again. I swear, I think she has cameras to spy on me, to see if I'm actually up or not. I sigh, and slowly get up, but remain seated on my bed. "I have breakfast ready when you're done!" My mom yelled from the Kitchen, knowing its my weakness when I won't get up.. "Okay!" I yell back before sprinting to my dresser. I love breakfast, especially my moms cooking. It's really rare that she cooks in the morning because she sometimes gets called in early to work, so I cherish the moment when I hear those words.

I quickly throw on a pair of dark skinny jeans, and a white long sleeved V-neck since I took a shower late last night. I brush my hair, only making it bounce back into its curls, and then literally skip down the stairs. "FOOD!" I yell, jumping into my chair and digging in. My mom only chuckled before kissing my forehead goodbye before leaving to work. Mmm! Pancakes, eggs, and bacon for breakfast. I finish my food quickly and walk to school. On my way there, I see a head of curls for a brief second until it disappears. I stop in my tracks, and turned towards the bush. Fudge... I think it's Harry. I see them again, before I start running towards school. They are stalking me, they must've waited for my mom to leave so they could kidnap me or something!

All of the sudden a black van pulls out from a corner making me skid to a stop. Zayn. It has to be. Who's next? Right on cue, I see blonde hair from another bush. Niall. Then I see Louis and Liam come out from two other bushes. I guess I didn't notice, but Zayn was out of the van now, and Harry and Niall joined the group. Fudge, fudge, fudge! They are surrounding me! What do I do? I just failed a task. I am definitely alone with these five guys, meaning something bad is going to happen.

I stare at all of them, expecting the worst. Their eyes are cold, no emotion found, same with their facial expression. They start inching closer, and closer, until they made a circle around me. This isn't good. Zayn glances at Harry, with a look I can't explain, Harry does the same back before they both look back at me.

Then, all their blank faces turn into smirks. Evil smirks.


Ahh cliff hanger :O yup! So that's it for today... Maybe an update tomorrow? If I can't update I'll get my co-writer Sydney to update for me :) Already got chapter four ready to go!

Are ya ready for the drama chapter?

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