Chapter Nine •Being Edited•

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Why, why, why, why, why am I so stupid?! I'm SOOOO sorry I haven't updated in like... One or two month(s)?!!! Ugh, I hate myself for even leaving you on a cliffhanger that long (-_-) I seriously don't care if you beat me with sticks, or even kill me... I deserve this... Argh, here's the chapter that you've been waiting for! But seriously, I've been so fucking busy! I can't even explain it :O


Chapter Nine

Why me? That's all I ask... Why? Why did they choose me, out of all people? Why was I stupid enough to ditch my friends, and decide to confront Harry Styles? Why was I so stupid, that I got myself into this mess? Right now, Niall is hovering over me, with that stupid knife in his hand, a twisted smile plastered on his face. The bastard thinks this is amusing.

"Niall, please.... You don't know what you're doing." I whisper, trying to stall him.

Please work, please work, please-

"I know what you're doing Johnson... I'm not stupid." Niall sneers, inching closer.

God, I've never felt so stupid, and helpless before. Fuck, why is no one seeing this?! Where the fuck do people disappear to when I new them most?! Where?! My breath hitches as the knife is now pressed against my skin, lightly presiding onto it.

Niall pauses. "Tape her mouth again, Harry. We don't need unwanted attention."

Harry quickly gets the tape back out-while I glare at him- and places it into my mouth, making sure it's still sticking. Damn you Harry, I wish I could just run you over with a truck at the moment...

"Alright, ready boys?" Niall smirks, glancing at the four boys holding me.

Sometimes I wish they weren't attractive, and muscular... Like right now for example!!!

"Yup, proceed." Liam smirked, giving me a cheeky wink.

That bastard! Oh how I could just- Fuck! Without realizing it at first, the knife was pressing harder, and harder into my skin. It just broke it. And oh my god, it hurts! Niall was smirking, Zayn was looking away, almost in a daze, Liam was just watching me, Louis was doing... I don't know what, and Harry was stroking my hair, smirking. If I could, I would break his fingers one by one right now...

"Does it hurt?" Niall asks jokingly, glaring up at me.

'Of course it does you tosser?!' I exclaim in my head. 'How stupid can you be?' I know he's just joking, and all, but seriously, I'm in pain, and VERY pissed off, so unhappy Kendall is alive at the moment, since my bad language has encreased a bit. A lot actually... I cry in pain, through the tape, as Niall twists the knife into my arm. I start thrashing around, trying to get it out of me. Unfortunately, it only makes it worse.

"Shit! Sit still you little slur, it's only going to get worse! Are you stupid or something?!" Niall exclaims.

I stay still, whimpering. Niall continued what he was doing, and carved a triangle into my arm. It wasn't to deep, but it was still a big cut, blood all over the place. Niall smiled proudly at his work, and stood up.

"Congradulations Kendall, you are officially marked as the chosen one." Niall smirks.

I'm starting to think he hardly smiles, just smirks... Soon, the boys leave me, and I'm still sitting there, staring at my arm. Again, why me?


OMG, I'm sorry this is so fucking short?! Especially since I haven't updated in/a month(s)!!

But I have to cut it short, it's 12:10 AM, and I have to get up in freaking four hours... I have a huge trip at 6, and get everything packed those two hours I'm up... So I actually have three hours of sleep now...

Again, I'm going to update more this summer! :) I just have tomorrow/ or today, since its 12, Friday, and next week... But theirs only three days next week... So, yeah! I'll see ya more in the summer :)

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