Chapter Six •Being Edited•

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I'm SO SO SO SO SO SO, SORRY!!! I've had a bit of a freak week :/ A lot of homework, tests, angry teachers, detention (Yeah don't ask... Lol), and soccer practice are just taking up my schedule :/ But I'm updating! Yay! :D


My eyes widened, and my mouth was slightly agape. Did she really think I would date a weirdo, curly haired freak?! But then again, she doesn't know, so I'll try not to freak out.

"Harry?! NO WAY!"

Okay... I realized I failed. My mom just stared at me for a good ten seconds, before returning to her food.

"But you guys would be cute!" She gushed, cuasing me to groan. Thank god he isn't here, or else he'll just make it worse.

"Mom seriously?!"

She shrugged, and continued eating. Thank you god!

"Soo... Do you like him?" I take that back... WHAT DID I EVER DO TO YOU?! And to think I was thanking you earlier for making her change the subject?!


After that, the rest of dinner was silent. Thankfully. After my shower, I literally hoped into bed, and burried myself under the covers. Sometimes I wish I could just stay in bed forever! But then I would get hungry.... Oh well!

After getting comfortable at 2:30 AM (I know... Sad) I slowly drift off into a dreamless sleep.


"KENDALL! GET YO BUTT OUTTA BED!" My mom yelled from downstairs. What a lovely voice to wake up to. I groan, stretching in my bed before, lazily getting up, and dressed, ready for school.

"I'MMM HEERREEE!" I say, entering the kitchen. My mom doesn't answer, since she's in a rush to get to work, so she slips past me, and out the door. Gee, good morning to you too. I mean she could've just at least said 'Hello' or a 'Good morning' But I guess not. I shrugged at nothing inparticular, and grabbed an apple, washing it, then took a huge bite out of it. I stared at my now bitten apple.

Is my mouth really that big?

I ask myself. I shrug again, and exit the door, locking it, and checking one more time to see if I left any homework inside, before leaving. Once I'm all packed, I take off (Like literally run) towards school, so I won't have to run into 'them' again. Once I'm inside the building, I'm met by a happy Michelle.

"Yo Michelle! What's got you so happy today?"

She smiled bigger. "Jason asked me out!!"

"OMG! No way! I told you he liked you." I responded, grinning like a madman.

She only smiled in response, before Angela came up beside her.

"Sup losers?" She asked jokingly.

"Nothing weirdo." I respond.

We all laugh, before meeting everyone else.

"I see you aren't dead." Bliss states, smiling at me.

"I feel dead. My mom was killing me at dinner."

"What'd she do?" Bliss asks, smirking.

"She kept asking me if I liked Harry, or if we were dating."

Bliss laughed. "Mom's are funny."

"Yeah, but annoying too." I say smiling.

"Hey is that Niall? He keeps glancing over at us..." Bliss says, looking over my shoulder. I swear! They are stalking me! Just to make sure, I turn around, and sure enough, a blonde haired guy, is on the phone, peering out from the Library.

"It is." I groan. Why can't at least one of them leave us alone for a minute? Or a day?! Maybe even a week? I sigh, turning back to Bliss.

"Will you do the honors on killing me? I'm so tired of this!"

She laughs, and shakes her head. "Nope."

I glare at her, and glance at my other friends, who are completley oblivious to Niall's glances. Oh well.

I sigh again, knowing what I have to do, to get him to leave. "Well I guess I'll go talk to him now..."

"WHAT?!! Are you crazy?!" Bliss says, pulling my arm, to tug me back towards her.

"What's wrong with a little chit chat? It might make him leave us alone." I shrug.

"No... Kendall, you don't understand! He isn't as approachable as Harry... But I can't tell you why..."

Frustration bubbles inside me, causing me to yank my arm free, from Bliss' desperate grip.

"Why so many secrets? Why?! Why can't you just tell me? It's not like I'll tell someone?!"

Bliss shakes her head. "You'll find out later on... But not today, or tomorrow... But I must warn you... You'll wish you never found out." She finishes, walking away from me. I groan, and pull on my hair. Why does this have to be so complicated. I'm still confused about how I'm the chosen one! I sometimes wish I never came here. This is just so confusing. A Irish accent, snapped me out of little rant in my head. Niall.

"Yeah.... She's alone now, her friends went somewhere else, and she's just standing there."

"Shit." I mumbled, starting to walk away

"She's on the move! Go!"

"Shit. Shit. Shit." I mumble, looking everywhere, while walking. I yelp, when I feel big warm hands grab my shoulders, and pull me backwards. I gasp as I fall into a warm, toned chest, making the person chuckle. Harry.

"Thought you could escape us now? Did you?"

"What do you want?"

He doesn't respond, only smirks, and looks up towards a corner.

"Niall!" As soon as Harry yelled out his name, Niall stepped out from the corner, smirking. His blonde hair was in a little quiff, blue eyes dark, and piercing, with his tight clothing, sticking to his toned chest. I'll be damned, if I melt on the spot. I look around frantically, looking for a place to escape to, or anyone who's around. I was trapped, and to make it worse... No one was out in the hallways. I gasp, as Niall pulls out a knife, playing with it in his hands.

"What are you doing?" I choke out.

"You'll see." He smirks, stepping closer towards me.



Guys... I'm so sorry! I've been so busy, that I sort of forgot I was writing a story?! I know it was pretty short, for my liking, and that I left it on another cliffhanger, but still... At least I updated!!

Btw, thank you so much for reminding me @SydneyLopez0 I don't know why, or how I forgot... But thank you :)

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