Chapter Four •Being Edited•

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They all stood around me. Just smirking and staring. It was starting to creep me out. No. Actually they have been scaring me for quite a while, but it's getting worse as the seconds go by. Thoughts of what they might do to me race through my mind. I keep praying that someone or something will save me. I hug my satchel closer to me, uncomfortable. These boys are seriously torturing me. Torturing me enough, to make me squirm. They obviously like that. They are much cuter close up, but I'm not focusing on that. I'm focusing on a plan on how to escape. As if answering my prayers. A familiar car comes into view. The boys eyes widen, and they all sprint in different directions, while Zayn goes to his car and takes off. Bliss' car, that I saw yesterday at Starbucks, pulled beside me. Once her window rolled down she said "Get in." As soon as I buckled my belt, she sped off towards school. "You know we're late?" She asked. "Sorry." I apologized. "No don't, I don't care but I'm just stating a fact. More importantly... WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED BACK THERE?!" "Erm."

"Well... I'm not exactly sure, but what I do know is that they are officially stalking me. If you really want to know what happened, they circled me until you showed up. I was thinking they were going to kill me or something! Thank you sooo much for saving me back their."

"So did they say anything or....?" She asked, stoping at the stop light, to turn to me. "Nothing, nothing at all. They just stood their smirking at me, with those scary cold eyes." I said shivering at the past events. Bliss' face paled a little but she hid it by turning away, and began driving again. I brushed it off, still not believing the fact that I was in danger seconds ago. We finally made it to school, and ran inside. Bliss and I headed towards the short class, making sure she was by my side at all times. I expected to see the boys, but they were no where in sight. I sighed in relief and made it to our class.

Once it was over, Bliss and I made it towards the courtyard. On the way there, I somehow lost Bliss in the crowd, but seconds later found her talking to her crush. Awe! I smiled, turning away, before a big hand griped my shoulder and pulled me aside from the busy students. My heart stopped, and I gasped in shock. The person pulled me into an empty room and closed the door. I spun around, only to come face to face with Harry Styles. He was closer than I expected, making me stumble backwards. I gritted my teeth in annoyance, as he watched amused. He crossed his arms over his fit torso and smirked as I glared at him. Their was actually emotion in his eyes. But it was only amusement.

"What do you want?" I ask bitterly. "You." He answers cheekily. I roll my eyes but glare at him again. "No, seriously what do you want?" He doesn't answer, only trails his eyes down my body. What the fudge? He looks back up and smirks at me. My face clearly shows annoyance. "Do I scare you?" He asked seriously. I shake my head. Lies. He pushes me against the wall, shocking me. "You really should be Kendall, you have no idea what I'm capable of." He says, with the same cold expression he is known for. With that he lets me go and walks out of the room like nothing happened. That boy I swear is-

"KENDALL?!" Bliss' voice echoes from outside. I sneak out the door and pretend to come out of the bathroom. "Oh hey Bliss! I saw you talking to 'him' so I ran in the girls bathroom so none of the boys would catch up to me." I lie. I really don't want to tell her what happened back there, because if I did, I would probably get into a lot of trouble with Harry and his 'friends' and I really don't want that happening. She sighs in relief and hugs me. "Thank god! I thought I lost you." She says dragging me outside. "Well you didn't, so let's just put this conversation aside, and talk about you and that guy" I say, as my eyes scan the courtyard. There, in the same place as yesterday, stood only four boys. Harry was missing. They all sent me their famous cold looks, with no emotion visible at all. I wonder where Harry i- No... Actually, I really don't care. As long as he isn't planning on something more worse then this morning's accounter. I looked away from the four cold stares, as we approached our usual table. We sat on top of it, as Bliss stared past my shoulder with a worried expression plastered on her feautures.

I gave her a confused look, before looking in the direction she was staring at. Harry was approaching us, with no emotion at all, just simply walking towards us. I gulped. What could he possibly want now? Please don't make a scene in the courtyard! Please don't make a scene in the courtyard! Please don't- He stopped right in front of me, arms crossed. God please help me down here! MAKE ME INVISIBLE! I covered up my nervousness by crossing my arms as well, giving him my death glare. I saw a hint of amusment flash through his eyes, but it was gone almost immediatley. "What do you want Styles?" I spat, clearly annoyed by his presence. He didn't answer, only glared at Bliss. She got the hint, that I guess was for her to leave, as she jumped of the table and quickly walked over to a random girl I haven't seen before, and started chatting. "Listen, you need to know we aren't like most people." He said. "You should be afraid... Like everyone else is." Behind Harry's broad shoulder's, I saw the four boy's staring at us curiously. "But I'm not like everyone else Harry, I'm not afraid of you guys and never will be." I shrugged, lying again. Oh joy, this is a new habbit. "Oh we'll change that once you see what we really do, you just wait and see." He spat, getting annoyed at my stubbornness. "How do you know that? You don't really know me anyways. Why don't you just go back to you're little friends, I'm sure their waiting, and you should probably know that you'll never win an argument with me, beacuse I just don't work that way." I said crossing my arms.

His jaw clenched, as he slammed his hands on either sides of me, making me jump back startled. "Oh so you think I'm just going to let this go? Huh? Well I'm not, I will be back though, and I won't stop bugging you until you admit it." After that, he straightened himself out before stomping away. I had to hold in my laugh, he looked so childish stomping away with his arms crossed over his chest towards his cold eyed friends. This probably isn't a good time to laugh anyways. The bell had rung again, singalling, that it was time for our next classes. Ugh I hate work.


Later that day at Starbucks...

"Carlos... Would you rather kiss a monkey full on the lips, or, lick peanut butter off a dirty dog's tongue?" Bliss asked, smirking at Carlo's wide eyes. "Um..... I think I would kiss a monkey." He gagged, making us all laugh. "Okay, okay.... Would you rather- Shit!" I mumbled, as I saw the Strabucks door open, revealing a curly haired lad. Everyone's eyes widened, as they pulled up their hoods, including me, and sipping our warm drinks. As he started walking towards a seat, we all turned towards the window, hiding our faces. I think he didn't see us, or let alone recognize us. I turned around, thinking he had left, only to see a dark shirt and jeans, standing right in front of my chair, arms crossed, and a smirk played along his devilish lips. His eyes twinkled with amusement as he noticed I started cursing colorful word's under my breathe. "I'mm baccckkk!" He said in a sing song voice. I sighed and banged my head at our table, only making him snort. "What do you want now?" I ask, annoyance building up inside me. I think that's all I ever am now. Annoyed. He sat across from me, as I just noticed all my friends had abbandoned me. Such awesome friends I have! Sarcasm. "I already told you, I'd leave you alone only if you admit you're scared of us." He answered, sipping his drink. "And what if I don't?" I challenge. "Then I'll torture you as much as I can!" He smirked. I groaned, and banged my head on the table again.

"Somebody kill me now!" I mumbled, only making him chuckle. I just realized this.. But out of 1/5 of his group, I got him to show some emotion. I just need to work on the other four boys. "Not happening, where's the fun in that if I don't get to torture you first?" I raised my head and rolled my eyes at him. "What do you even plan on doing to me?" I asked. ".... Lot's of.... Things." He smirked, taking a sip of his drink, still smirking. "You dirty minded pig!" I said standing up. He stood up as well. "Styles, I swear-" "Why do you always call me that? ...... Styles?": He asks, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. I blushed. "Oh....Erm....I don't know..." I said glancing away from his amused gaze. "I like it." He winked before following me out the front doors.

"Could you please jus- actually I'm not going to be all nice to you anymore... So stop following me!" I said, picking up speed in my walk. "Do I have to repeat this? Not happening. I'll spell it out for you, if you'd like?" He said catching up to me. I sighed in frustration, and just ignored him the entire time.

Please... Somebody help me!


Ooh Kendall got some emotion out of Harry! Anyways... I honestly have to say... I don't really like this chapter, but I won't change it, just for you guys :)

Again comment, vote, fan if you want to... And thank you for commenting on my last chapter @5Boys1Dream4Ever :)

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