Chapter One

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First chapters up! Yay!


My footsteps echoed around the nearly empty corridors, as I speedily raced around this jail. The slightly bent paper in my hands is the map to this school, but I just can't seem to figure it out. Suddenly, a tall boy appears out of nowhere, rushing towards a classroom, with what looked like to be a pass.

"Excuse me!" I yelled out to him, causing him to skid to a stop.

He turned to face me, brown eyes wide. He was fit, and had brown hair, that slightly fell into his eyes.

"Do you know where classroom B 309 is?" I asked desperately, giving him pleading eyes.

"Uh, it's on the next floor. You have to go up the stairs, turn to the left, then go straight down the hallway until you reach the third door." He said, talking with his hands.

"Thank you so much! What's your name?" I asked, smiling thankfully at him.

"Uh, Jonah. Are you new?"

"Actually yes. I'm Kendall."

He smiled, waving cutely at me. "Well I have to run, my teachers really strict. Luckily this small piece of paper can save me from being yelled at." He shrugged, before rushing down the hallway, and disappearing down another one.

Damn this schools big.

"Alright, bye." I yell out to nobody.

I smile, shaking my head at the strange, but awfully cute boy. I'll have to talk to him again sometime. As I turn back the same corner, I see stairs leading up to the second floor. Just as the boy said, go up the stairs. When I finally made it up, I stashed the map into my backpack, before continuing down the left corridor. All of the sudden, a high pitched scream echoed around the hallways, scaring me.

"Hello? Are you alright?" I yell out, gripping the straps to my backpack.

A few moments of silence turn into minutes before I hear the loud clack of heels. Uh oh. A teacher. They come to a halt, and then some loud yelling is heard. But before I can peek to see what's going on, a very strict looking teacher rounds the corner, leading five tall boys behind her. I watch in fear as their eyes catch sight of me, giving me small smirks, or scowls. I gulp, turning away from the emotionless eyes, and scurry down the hallway, to the third classroom. Thank god I'm new here, and have an excuse already made up in my head as to why I'm late. Please don't be strict, please don't be strict, please don't be strict I chant in my head as I close my hand around the handle, and push it open.

"Nick, I have had enough! Go to the principals office, now!" The teacher yells, staring at a boy in the back of the class who rolls his eyes, picks up his bag, and stands up, walking towards where I am.

Shit, she sounds strict. I look for an empty desk, finding one right next to the window, a girl with brown hair sitting beside it, eyes bored. I quietly make my way over to the desk, everyone in the class' eyes on me, curiosity evident on their faces. The teacher was already back on the board, not noticing my presence at all. I quietly slip in my seat, my nerves going down as I'm safely sitting, still unnoticed by the teacher. As I was pulling out a notebook to take notes, I felt a new pair of eyes on me. As I sat up, I was right. The girl with brown hair, and bright blue eyes was staring at me, blowing a piece of gum from her mouth.

"Hey, you," The girl said, catching my full attention. "What's your name?"

"Kendall Johnson. What's yours?" I asked, smiling nervously.

I've always been slightly shy.

The girl popped her gum, and started chewing again. "Bliss. So why'd you show up late, new girl?"

"Please don't call me that, and I got lost."

Bliss snorted, causing the teacher to send a glare in Bliss' direction, before turning back to the board. She ignored the teacher, staring at me.

"Whatever. So. Since you got lost, why don't I be your tour guide?" She suggested, popping her gum again.

"Okay," I say, turning back to the board.

I quickly finish scribbling down what she wrote, just as the bell rang. Bliss stood up, grabbing her satchel, waiting for me, as other kids started piling out. I quickly pack up, and swing my bag over my shoulder, suddenly being pulled by a hand. Bliss' hand.

"Okay, so hand over your schedule." Bliss demanded, smirking at a boy she passed.

I quickly dig it out of my bag, handing it over. After a few seconds of Bliss scanning over my sheet, she handed it back, smiling.

"Looks like I'll see you more often new girl."

"Don't call me that." I pout, as she leads me towards the front doors.

"Since this is free period, I'm going to show you some things." Bliss said, pushing open the doors, pulling me along.

Once we were outside, the cool air slapped against my bare arms, making me smile. It was beautiful today. Bliss led us over to a table, sitting on top if it, and motioning for me to follow her lead. I did, and she pulled out a notebook, labeled HS Guide. She opened it, showing me where the bathrooms, classes, and other places were, before moving on to the cafeteria.

"Okay, so the first row contains nerds, the cheerleaders, bitchy people, and man whores ," Bliss explained, as I nod along to what she's saying. "Then the second row, we've got the jocks, girls who eat their feelings, girls who don't eat anything, and the awesomest people you'll ever meet, AKA, my friends, and I."

Okay Kendall, process everything she's saying.

"Third row, cool Asians, the plastics, sexually active band mates, and the worst, the five badasses of the school," Bliss groaned. "Last row, the soccer players, artistic nerds, journalism crew, and lastly, the goths."

"Wow," I say. "That's a lot of people."

"Yeah, pretty much." Bliss shrugs.

"So... Who are the five badasses of the school?" I ask, remembering the cold, blank eyes from earlier.

"Uh... Lets see, Niall Horan, Liam Payne, Zayn Malik, Louis Tomlinson, and Harry Styles." Bliss signed, packing away her things.

"What do they look like?" I ask, trying to figure out if those boys from earlier this morning were them.

"You'll see." She smirked, before hopping off the table, and walking off.

This years going to be fun.


I'm sorry this sucked :-/

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