Chapter Eight •Being Edited•

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Hey! I updated.... Again!!!! Yay!! Lol, I'm trying very hard to make time in my schedule, to keep writing :) So, you might see more of me the next following weeks/months/years... However long it takes to finish this book.

Okay, so... Enjoy my chappy :)


Chapter Seven

"Come on Kendall! Explain." Bliss whined, while sipping her latte.

We're currently at Starbucks, and Bliss, and Carlos have been bugging me on what happened since we got here, but I'm really in no mood to talk about it.

"Nope." I respond, playing with my empty coffee cup.

"Explain now, or else I'll go tell Harry you loveee him." She smirks, making me choke on air. Yes, that's how much I despise the lad right now.

"Umm no way, but fine." I say, slumping in my chair.

I explain everything, from when I saw Niall spying on me, all the way until Bliss, and Carlos showed up. By the time I had finished, ten minutes had gone by, and I was still bored.

"Wow." Carlos muttered, staring at me weirdly.

"Yup, now will you stop pestering me? It's getting annoying." I groan, slumping in my chair more. I must look real lady-like right now.

"Yes, and I won't tell Harry anything." Bliss smiles innocently, causing me to glare at her.

"Don't tell Harry what?" A husky voice sounds from behind me.

I freeze in my seat, along with Bliss, and Carlos. Why now? Why anywhere? And how the hell did he even find me??? Lord. Help. Me.

"Hello? Are you people alive?" He asks sarcastically.

I turn around in my seat slowly, to face the tall, curly haired guy.

"Harry.... Hi...." I say, gritting my teeth.

"Hello love." He smirks, sitting beside me, in the empty chair.

"Why the hell are you here?" I mouth, scooting away from him.

"Well, for your information, I came here to ditch school, and decided to go to Starbucks. Instead, I found my favorite person, sitting in a chair, talking about me." He smirks cheekily.

I roll my eyes, and put my hand on his chest, as he purposely scoots towards me.

"Uh-uh, don't get any ideas Styles." I frown, pushing him away.

He chuckled, and scooted away from me, looking at my two nervous friends.

"Uhh... I'ma go..." Bliss said awkwardly, standing up from her seat, Carlos following her movements.

"Um, no you aren't." I say, pulling her back down.

"Okay... Sure." She says, readjusting herself. Carlos sighs, and does the same, glaring at Harry.

"So.... Harry...... I'm Bliss... And that, over there, is Carlos." Bliss says, trying to break the awkward tension.

"Cool." He responds, looking over at me.

"What?" I ask, facing him.

"Nothing." He smiles, looking back at my friends unamused.


"So.... I'm going to head back to school now. Bye Harry!" I yell out, before grabbing both Bliss', and Carlos' arms, dragging them out of there.

"Oh my god, I was so nervous." Bliss' admits, when she finally catches her balance.

"I wasn't." Carlos said, trying to act cool.

Bliss, and I turn to face him, with disbelief written across our faces.

"Yeah right, you were scared." I tease, punching his shoulder lightly.

"Was not." He huffed.

"Was too."

"Was not."

"Was too."

"Was not."

"Was too."

"Was not."

"Was too."

"Was not."

"Come on Carlos! Admit."


"Baby." I mutter, walking away from him.

"I heard that Johnson!" He says, making me laugh, and squirm away.

"Well you are."

"Uh... Guys." Bliss interrupts, pointing behind her secretly.

My eyes follow to where she's pointing at, only to find Harry peering out the window, in our direction. Why am I in this mess? I mean, seriously?!

I sighed, before pushing Bliss, and Carlos ahead of me.

"You guys go, I'll handle this alone." I say angrily.

"No, what if they try to hurt you again?" Carlos says, Bliss nodding in agreement.

"Guys! I said I can handle this alone, plus the others aren't here, and there's too many witnesses anyways, so I'll be fine. So, bye!" I say, giving them one last shove in the direction of school.

They nod hesitantly, and continue walking, glancing back a few times. I make sure they're out of sight, before turning around, and marching back into Starbucks. I' ending this once, and for all.

I find Harry sitting at a table, and stomp over to where he is, slamming my hands on the table, making him jump.

"You listen to me Styles. I'm sick. Sick of all this stalking, you, and your little friends are doing. Why can't you just choose someone else? Why me? Out of everyone? Why? Why can't you-"

"Nice of you to join us, Kendall." A dark, familiar voice says from behind me.

I spin around, and was about to say something, before I freeze.

All of them showed up. Niall, Liam, Zayn, and Louis. All standing behind me, with amused smirks. Zayn was the one who spoke, with his usual quiff, arms crossed against his fit torso, with a huge, cocky smirk on his face. Just my luck. Before I can do anything, someone grabs me from behind-Harry of course- and tapes my mouth shut. I squirm in his clutch, and try desperately to kick him. Louis, and Niall grab my arms, dragging me out of the shop, unnoticed.

"Mmf!" I try speaking, through the big tape with no use.

"What's that princess? I can't here you." Niall mocks, leaning in jokingly.

I squirm in there hold, but Niall's quick to stop it by bringing us into an empty ally. I wish I just went with Bliss, and Carlos now!

"Stop squirming bitch! Or else I'll kill you." He says seriously, pulling out the same knife from earlier.

I sob through the tape, as they all hold me down, making Niall's smirk widen.

"Ready to be marked?" He asks darkly.

I shake my head furiously, tears streaming down my face. All of their faces are cold again, no emotion in sight. Why me?


Hello again! Reminder!!

The next few chapters will contain violence... Okay?

The boys won't get caught as often, and more secrets will be revealed on why Niall's so harsh etc.

Be prepared!

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