Chapter Five •Being Edited•

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Helllooooo! I was going to update a few day ago.........But... We had a huge snowstorm and my power went out for a while, and came on late last night, so I'm here today! Enjoooooy!

P.S You should go check out my BFF's book "My Fake Girlfriend" If you want.... Her user names @SydneyLopez0, but I'll dedicate this chapter to her so you can just click on her name, instead of searching it. Again thank you for commenting on my last chapter @5Boys1Dream4Ever! Believe me, if I could dedicate a chapter too two people, I would :)

Okay that's all :-)


I walked down almost every street, with this mop of curls following me. I was seriously considering running, and hiding behind someone. But he would have found me anyways, so there's no use. "Harrrrryyy! Please, just go hommme." I whined, dragging my feet beside a little shop. "Not until 7:00." He grinned evilly. That was one hour away, thankfully, but I still had no idea what to do. I finally gave up, and headed home with him following me still.

As I made it to my front door, I knew my mom probably wouldn't let him in, so I smiled evily, and opened the door. As soon as I did, I saw my mom on the couch, with her reading glasses on, going through, what looked like, bills. I closed the door behind Harry, who'd soon be kicked out, making my mom's head snap up. She smiled at me, but gave me a confused look, after noticing Harry. I turned to Harry smirking only to see a cheeky smile. No! The dimples! My mom has a soft spot for dimples like me. Not. Good.

She stood up and made her way over to us. "Kendall....Who is this handsome lad?" She asked smiling at Harry. "Harry Styles." I growled, very unhappy at the moment. "Nice to meet you Harry!" My mom exclaimed, hugging him. Curse him and his charm! He smiled down at her, dimples showing. This isn't good. I groaned, and made my way over to the couch, as my mom gushed on how cute, adorable, and handsome he is. So embarrassing! At least ten minutes later, the talking stopped, and a weight sat down next to me. Harry.

"So... Your mom thinks I'm handsome?" He smirked. "Shut up." I blushed, embarrassed at my mom's words. He chuckled, and leaned back into the couch, watching the TV I had recentley turned on. "Where is she anyways?" I asked. "Kitchen." He replied easily. "How the hell did she not kick you out?!" I mumbled. "I have my ways." He said, a smirk in his voice. I groaned, and scooted away from him. He only scooted closer. We kept repeating this, until I fell off the couch, with a big thunk. "OW!" I yelped. I could see him falling backwards, laughing. Thank god I can't see him anymore! Since he couldn't see me, I took that chance and gave him the bird. "You know I can still see you?" He asked, peering over the couch, with a pout. I grumbled, and stood up, making him scoot over. I made sure to flop down extra hard, so he'd fall off the other end. He did, and fell with a louder thunk. I laughed real hard as his expression was full of surprise.

As soon as he realized what had happened, he flopped down next to me, with a big pout on his face. The commercials on the TV appeared, so I grabbed my phone, and texted Bliss, who had somehow snuck her number into my phone.

Bliss! Where did ya guys go at Starbucks's? Meanies!


Sorry, that boy scares the fudge outta me! Are you okay? Did he leave?


Same here, but I won't admit that ;) And no I am NOT okay! This boy followed me home, and won't leave until 7:00 for an unknown reason.... He used his charms on my mom.....Stupid dimples /:(


He followed you home! :0 Oh my god! Um... You might not wanna know... He has to... Do stuff around that time.... Wait! He got past you're mom! I only met her 0 times, and I've heard you say she never once let a boy in you're house :0 He's good!


What kinda stuff? And yes! He did! It's true though, a boy has never once stepped inside my house without getting kicked out, until now. God somebody help me!


I can't tell you :'( But I wish I could. Anyways... I can't come over sadly :( I'm stuck babysitting my next door neighboor's daughter. She's so cute!


Fine :/ Listen Bliss, I gotta go, this curly haired freak is trying to take my phone!


Alright bye! Good luck, you'll need it.



I quickly exit my text messages, and pull up Temple Run 2.

"Do you mind curly!? I'm trying to play a game here!" I say moving my phone out of his reach. He only chuckles and tried again.

"AWE! You made my person die!" I whine, smacking his arm away.

"Good, now I can get you're attention." He says standing up.

"What do you want?" I ask, still mad over the fact he ruined my new high score.

"I'm leaving, it's 6:56." I glance at the phone's clock, and sure enough it's 6 PM.

"YAY! I can return back to my game in peace!!!" I exclaim, dancing in my spot. He shakes his head at me, and walks towards the front door.

"See ya tomorrow!" He smirks, before going into his cold self again, and leaves.

I groan, and slump back into the couch. "Curse the curly haired, dimple guy!" I mumble.

"KENDALL! Dinner's ready!"

I jump up happily, and rush into the kitchen.

Once I'm seated, and about to start digging in, my mom speaks the most horrible words on earth!

"So is he you're boyfriend?"


Hey guys, sorry this is SOOOOO short :( I wanted to update so bad, but ended up goofing off on the computer to long, so I had little time to write this. So here ya go!

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