Chapter Seven •Being Edited*

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Hey...... I realize I haven't updated in over a month now?! Well, I'm extremely sorry about that :( I just had a lot going on, and if I told you all of it, it'd probably be a mile long :/ Again, I'm sorry for such a LONG wait, especially on a cliff hanger (I know from experience that it wasn't fun..) I know you probably want to beat the crap out of me now, for even making you waiting that long... I understand. Alright, read my chapter, that you have been waiting on... For a month :(

Dedicated to: @Hazzas_Summer_Love because you made me laugh after reading your comment on how eager you were for the next update, and waking me up a little, so I could update again :)



"What do you want?"

He doesn't respond, only smirks, and looks up towards a corner.

"Niall!" As soon as Harry yelled out his name, Niall stepped out from the corner, smirking. His blonde hair was in a little quiff, blue eyes dark, and piercing, with his tight clothing, sticking to his toned chest. I'll be damned, if I melt on the spot. I look around frantically, looking for a place to escape to, or anyone who's around. I was trapped, and to make it worse... No one was out in the hallways. I gasp, as Niall pulls out a knife, playing with it in his hands.

"What are you doing?" I choke out.

"You'll see." He smirks, stepping closer towards me.



I'm going to die, I'm going to die, I'm going to die! I repeat, over, and over in my head. I just can't seem to fully grasp the idea, that I'm actually going to die. Especially in front of five sexy murders. Damn't, I'm so wishing they were ugly for once.

"Please don't kill me." I whisper, on the verge of tears.

"Shhh." Niall says, putting a finger on my lips. I choke out a sob, but quiet down, in fear of what Niall would do if I didn't.

"I'm not going to hurt you," He says, after I finally maintain myself.

I breathe out in relief, but still ponder on the fact on why he has a knife if he isn't even going to hurt me.

"But I'm going to mark you." He smirks, after a moment of silence.

My eyes widen, and I start breathing out heavily. You might not know what he meant by that, but I sure as hell do.

"Boys! Hold her down!" He yells, causing all of them to spring into action. Harry keeps his tight grip on me, while Zayn, and Louis hold my legs, and Liam holds my arms down. Shit! Where the hell are the teachers? Is this some sort of prank?! Because it is not funny!

"You're not getting away with this..." I threaten weakly, causing chuckles around the small group.

"Reall now?" Niall asks, sarcasm spitting out with each word.

I shake my head. They were pretty stupid to not tape my mouth in the first place, minus well put it to use, and show them I'm not joking.


"Somebody tape her mouth... NOW!" Niall barks.

Harry, gets the tape, since I can't run away even if he left, and happily tapes my mouth shut. After that, my screams for help are muffled. I hope to god, at least someon heard my screams, or else... This will be painfull. I guess my hope decided to save me at that moment, after I wished someone heard me. Becuase, soon after that, I heard at least two, or more, loud footsteps, echoing around the empty hallways. The boys all froze in there spots, making me smirk. Perfect. I guess they snapped out of it too soon, because they let go of me, and ripped the tape off my mouth, (Which hurt a lot, I must add) and ran the hell out of there. I somehow lost my balance in the middle of this, so I was currently on my stinging bum, with the loud footsteps belonging to Carlos, and Bliss. They rushed to my side immediatley, once they recognized me speechless, on the ground.

"KENDALL!! ARE YOU OKAY?" Bliss shouts, worry written all over her features.

"N-no...... How'd you even get out of class?"

"Well, the teacher asked me where you were when I went to class, and I said I don't know, but can I look for her? And of course she agreed, being the nice teacher she is, and let me go with Carlos. While we were searching... We heard you screaming for help, so we came as fast as we could." Bliss explained slowly.

I nodded my head, processing what she said.

"What even happened?" Carlos asked, staring at me with curiosity, and worry.

"Them." Was all I responded with, I didn't even feel like saying their names.

Bliss' eyes widened, along with Carlos'.

"We need to talk.... Now!"

Bliss took my arm, and led me out of the school, with Carlos in tow.

I really don't want to do this...


Guys, I'm super sorry this is short :( But at least I updated! In a month :/ Anyways, I'll try to update later this week, or possibly next week... Depends on my busy schedule :/ Again, thanks for reading!

Here's a quick secret about the next few chapters!!

The boys won't get caught as much anyomore, and bad things will happen :O

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