⭐Chapter 5⭐

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This time, when Steve woke up, he wasn't alone. He still felt like he was smaller than the world itself but he knew he was with someone by the sounds of soft snores coming from next to him. Steve, again, was swaddled in a soft blanket that he is pretty sure had been on the back of his sofa for the past 2 weeks. He kicked, or tried to, his legs but they felt weak and small also, so he was sure it did barely anything to the soft blanket trap.

He saw that it was dark out now, the moonlight coming in from the windows and shining on the floor and the coffee table in front of the blanket-wrapped Steve burrito. Again, he tried to kick his legs and flail his arms and this time, there was slight success. He blanket unraveled slightly around his chest so he could free his arms and stretch them, which he did with a smug little grin on his face for beating the evil blanket. He stopped stretching with a little content whine and let his body go limp, his arms above his head and his legs still loosely wrapped in the blanket trap.

He looked up at the sky.. or, ceiling in real world. But in Steves mind, the roof above him was a Galaxy. Of stars and space-ships happily flying around, not shooting anything, just peacefully making their way around his space land. The planets were there, but far away from his space ships. He wondered what he was call this land that he just suddenly created in his own little sleepy mind, or if that was the real planet they live on, or if the spaceship was being controlled by normal Hawkins people or some other type of life form! Or if-

"Hey, stop giggling and kicking and go back to sleep" The person- Billy.. judging by the voice- said fondly and sleepily. He had Steve's ankles in a soft grip and he rubbed his thumb gently across his little ankle in a soothing way. He was smiling.. from what Steve could see with his sleepy eyes and not-enough light.

Steve giggled, apparently more, as he pointed up at the ceiling, hoping Billy would see what he could see. He wanted to share his little universe with his.. what were they? Friends?

Billy looked up and pulled a confused face, looking back down at Steve "That's the ceiling, bub" he sighed and pulled Steve up, and too his chest, Steve sutting in his lap now and his skinny legs dangling off the side of the arm chair. Completely opposite to earlier with the milk.

Steve frowned and pouted miserably, whining quietly and shortly as he laid his head on Billy's shoulder. He must see the universe! He's gotta! Steve has to share! Steve put his sleeve into his mouth again, like earlier, chewing on it gently and then absently drooling as he tries to think of a way to convey to Billy about his little world he created.

Billy just shushed him, not really understanding what was wrong with Steve. He guessed he'd have to get used to the whole 'not understanding what Steve means half the time because he's mental age is guessed to around the age of at least 1.. at most' thing. Which was a long title for something so small, when you think about it.

Billy patted his back and looked down at him "Why do you have to chew that" he mumbled mainly to himself, even though the question was directed at Steve. Billy tried to pull his sleeve out of the babies mouth, to which said baby whined and turned his torso side-to-side in attempt to shake Billy off "Hey.." he warned lightly, letting go "Let Billy take your sleeve out of your mouth please" He said with a soft but firm tone of voice. Steve whined and kicked his legs ever so slightly. Billy figured he must be cranky from waking up at.. what.. 3 am? Who would'nt be?!

Billy just chuckled and shook his head "Because I'm tired and so are you, I'll let this go.. but how about we go upstairs and go to bed in a proper bed so we aren't stuck on this sofa all night, hm?" He kisses Steve lightly on the cheek - where the hell did that come from?! - and picks him up bridal style, making his way as quickly but as softly as possible ,as to not disturb the almost sleeping baby in his arms currently, and when he got up to Steve's bedroom, he put the baby down ever so gently and then grabbed a blanket, knowing the summer heat would be too much for Steve's thick quilts, laying it over Steve, then laying down himself, kicking off his boots and jacket and pulling Steve close to his side. Billy patted his bum gently as Steve curled up into his side, sleeve still in his mouth and looking more of a darker colour that it's supposed to be every second. Billy kissed him on the top of the head . Huh maybe Billy can get used to that instinct. Billy thinks to himself as his own eyes start to close, falling asleep once again..

( I will post 6 , 7 , 8 , and 9 chapters tomorrow. And I'll add on to that with my own chapters to this story. Anyway I hope you enjoyed this )

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