⭐Chapter 16⭐

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( Happy late birthday to Steve Harrington. His birthday was November 5th. So let's pretend for Chapter 16 and Chapter 17 that it's still November 5th :) And I'm sorry for how long this chapter took to write out. Anyway I hope you all enjoy it-Taka)

It's been a couple of months since the water fight at the pool and it's been a while since Billy and Steve were alone together. Luckily it was both Billy's and Steve's day off today, so they had stayed home  together, so when the blonde had woken up. He noticed a few things , one his boyfriend wasn't in bed with him. And two it was really quite in the house , like you could hear the birds chirping outside.

And so Billy sighs as he gets up from the bed and grabs a pair of pajama pants , now walking out shirtless to see what Steve is up. After walking down the stairs he stops and stands behind the couch , looking at the living room. Well for starters there are four of the kitchen chairs are definitely covered in a big mint green sheet. Which is half covered in a dark grey blanket that's usually on the back of the couch , Billy can also see the multiple pillows all inside of the pillow chair fort that Steve had clearly made.

Billy hums as he walks over to the kitchen where he now sees his boyfriend , who's wearing one of the blonde's shirts and black pajama pants with little yellow sun and blue moons scattered all over it. The blue eyed male watches the other flip a few pancakes on a plate, then walks a few steps to the fridge grabbing a container of blueberries and strawberries. Of course his love rinses them off first before putting them in a green bowl that matches the plate, turning around Billy really couldn't help but have a amused smirk finding it amusing that he accidentally startled Steve.

" Butter biscuits! Billy you startled me! That's mean! No berries for you! "

" No berries for me? Whatever shall I do, my pretty boy"

"You know. You could shush and give me kisses"

Steve says with a teasing yet sarcastic tone of voice with a fond smile forming on Billy's face. The blonde gets closer to his boyfriend and wraps his hands around Steve's waist pulling the brunette closer to him. Which makes Steve blush with how quick the blonde's actions were, Billy presses soft kisses on the other's neck first, then moves up to his face. Planting a bunch of kisses all over his boyfriend's face before finally giving Steve kisses to his lips.

" Is that better now. Princess Bambi? "

Billy asked as they pulled away to breathe, the blush still being on Steve's face that the blonde can definitely say is adorable and cute. The California boy gently takes the fruit that his love was holding and sets it on the counter, turning off the stove making sure they don't have a fire innocent in their kitchen. Then he picks up Steve having the other, wrap his pats around Billy's sides as the blonde is now only holding him with one hand under the brunette's bottom. Steve rolls his eyes at Billy as he kisses his forehead while also having , his hand softly gripping Hargrove's shoulder.

" Hmm I suppose it's better. But you know I need to finish breakfast"

" Moonlight. You have already made eight pancakes, scrambled eggs and you have takin fruit out as well. I don't know about you but I think that's enough for the two of us."

Billy does have a point Steve did kinda of make a somewhat "big" breakfast for the two of them. So the brunette just shakes his head, reaching over with his free hand that's not holding on to Billy. And grabs the berries that his boyfriend had took away a mere moment ago. Now giving a pout to the blonde before speaking.

" Hmph fine. I did sorta maybe make a 'big' breakfast for us Sunshine" 

Grinning like the fool he is for his and only for Steve, Billy carried the other to the kitchen table and gently sets him down in one of the chairs. Kissing the side of Steve's head and going back to plate up their breakfast, all on a tray so the young adult can carry it all in one go all the way to his cute boyfriend at the table. Steve smiles as he watches the blonde gather their breakfast together and bring it to the table. He's thankful that he had already brought over two mugs full of coffee earlier after the eggs were done. ( like 10 minutes after Steve was almost done with the pancakes he finally made coffee) Setting Steve's plate right in front of him with another kiss to the head. Billy sits right next to him with his own plate also being in front of himself. He turns head and his attention to Steve with a happy smile on his face.

" Thank you for making us breakfast Bambi, I do love your cooking"

" you don't have to thank me Billy. You already do so much for me. So making break-"
Steve gets cut off with Billy's hand coming up and covering his mouth. Said young man giving the other a look, as if saying 'don't dismiss yourself like that. You know your the best. So shush'. Type of look or the 'look' that mothers give their partners or children.

" nope shush that pretty little mouth of yours.  I get that you made breakfast because you felt you needed to. But Steve honey you don't need a reason to do that. "

" But Bi-"

" No , Nope , absolutely not. Now hush beautiful love of mine, and eat your pancakes before they get cold. And sit there and be cute like you always are."

Steve shoots Billy a playful glare while cutting up a piece of pancake and shoving it in his mouth. And just like Billy had done he puts his berries on top, of the pancakes and adds the tiny bit of syrup on them. Out of the corner of his eye Steve can see Billy get up , with both of their mugs of coffee having it heat up in the microwave.

" oh and Steve?"

"Yes sunshine?"

" Happy birthday pretty boy "

Steve turns around in his chair to face Billy with a slight surprise expression on his face, which makes Billy takes a few steps backwards and reach behind the toaster and pulls out a medium sized silver blue-ish wrapped up box. With a bright red ribbon wrapped around it in a bow style manner, and a small tag on it that reads 'To: Moonlight From: Billy' written in of of Steve's glitter gel pens(the ones with that fluff ball at the end of them)

" Oh Billy. You remembered my birthday?"

" of course I did. You told me when it was on our third date into dating sweetheart. So I remembered and circled it on the calendar months ago. "

Billy points to said calendar that's tacked up next to the fridge , with Steve's birthday day being circled in red sharpie with cute little doodles on it. He walks back to the birthday boy and hands him , one of six gifts from the blonde and goes back for their now warmed up coffee.  Steve opens his gift carefully being one of those people who , like to keep the wrapping paper from gifts. It only takes him a  few seconds to open it anyway and his breath hitches , looking between Billy and the gift a few times. Taking out a white knitted beanie with bear ears on it and holds it up with both hands.

" I always wanted one of those animal beanies. Billy where did you get this? I love it so much! Thank you sunshine! "

Steve gets up after Billy sets the coffee mugs down and hugs his boyfriend, who in turn hugs him back. Who also starts planting kisses in the other's hairline, and mumbling soft'I love yous' as he hugs Steve tight yet still gentle.

"Actually love bug I made you the beanie. I had Chrissy teach me how to knit because I know you like handmade stuff especially when it comes from Max and the other rugrats. "

" you did not. You really made this? I'll cherish this forever I hope you know that sunshine. Thank you really"

" oh I know you will honey"

⭐️I won't be posting anything on November 11th thru the 13th of November. Why? Because that's my birthday weekend and the 13th is my birthday. Almost 19 :) -Taka⭐️

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