⭐Chapter 8⭐

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The song blasted from Billy's radio as he drove his pick-up truck to the StarCourt mall. Billy honestly didn't like it, to many children there day-to-day. Proper children, he meant. It Steve's headspace decoded Steve shouldn't be as small as it was, then Billy would be okay with looking after a child instead of a newborn/sometimes toddler. Although, Billy did always prefer babies to children. They were much more innocent, hadn't been tainted with the world around them. Babies were just so soft and adorable and it was just lovely to be around them because they made you smile when you made them smile and they were so giggly all the time and their little legs kicked when they were giddy and-

yeah, Billy preferred babies if he was honest.

Billy parked his pick-up truck and pulled the key out of its place, grabbing a shirt and quickly putting it on. He had just left his own work down at the pool for the day and decided he would take Steve out of work for today so they could spend some quality Dada and Baby time together.

Billy made his way into the mall and dodged all of the children running around unattended, to quickly get to the little ice-cream shop. When Billy got there, there wasn't really a long line, but Billy decided he didn't want to wait and skipped the line.

"Yeah, hi, uh I was wondering where Harrington was?" Billy asked the girl at the counter, just now finishing giving an ice cream cone with strawberry ice cream on top to a little girl. Again with the blasted kids..

"Excuse me, who are you?" The girl, at the counter, asked. She had a one-piece blue, black, red and white sailors outfit with shorts on, and a sailors hat that said 'Ahoy!' In an obnoxiousness font that was sewed onto the front. Billy desperately hoped that Steve had to wear that too. Just the thought of his little baby boy in the cute outfit made him go all protective and daddy-mode all in one.

"Billy Hargrove. Now is he here?" He sneered with protection about the rich boy. He wanted to see his baby and now. How dare this girl not allow him to see his own baby boy.

Apparently, Robin was just as protective of Billy as she lifted herself up slightly on the counter, she she was face to face with the blondie now and stared deep into his eyes.

"Look. I don't know why the fuck you think your allowed to just come in here and ask for Stevie but let me tell you this: you ain't getting him." She practically glared straight into his soul, protectiveness in her voice probably twice the amount showing than Billy.

Then, a loud sob was heard from the staff room behind the counter. Robin looked over at the door quickly and gasped shortly, pushing Billy lightly by the shoulder as he pushes herself back down and then into the staff room.

Billy was sad to say he new that cry.

Bully jumped over the counter quickly and slammed the door open, looking around for his baby.

Steve was laying on the floor, legs and arms sprawled out in an infantile way, his face all scrunched up with tears running down his face as he kicked his legs the best his motor skills would allow him. Robin was crouched next to him, patting his tummy gently as she worried her lip between her teeth. Steve kept screaming and kicking as she tried to help, which did not help Robins anxiety's of actually hurting the boy.

Billy crouched on the other side of Stevie, pulling him close to his chest and letting him calm himself down from his tantrum. Whilst Steve calmed down slowly, Billy looked up at Robin, who was looking at Steve in concern.

"He'll be okay.." Billy said quietly, patting Steve on the bottom as his screams died down slowly but surely.

"What's wrong with him?" Robin asked with genuine concern and confusion.

"He's a little. There's nothing wrong with him" He shook his head. Of course she wouldn't understand what it meant. Nobody else in fucking Hawkins did anyway, why would she?

"Oh.. I understand" She smiles and nods. What..

"What.." he shook his head "Not a lot of people do-"

"Learnt about it in the library when I was looking up-" She stopped "Some stuff" she finished.

Billy didn't push her to speak.

"I'm Robin, by the way" She smiled at him

"Billy" He put his hand out for her to shake.

She did the same.

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