⭐Chapter 7⭐

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Weeks later, Billy and Steve didn't talk as much. It's not that they were avoiding each other, and they did sometimes talk on occasion, it was more that they both had stuff to do in their lives. Like getting a job.

Steve didn't really need a job as his parents still paid anything for him. He wasn't spoilt, they hated doing it but they still did it for their reputation. Steve hates it also. But, Steve wanted to start to making his own money. Also Because He has his own money now, it would go to his own bank account, which meant His parents wouldn't know what he was buying. Billy and Steve had found a Caregiver and Little ship just outside of Hawkins. They didn't know at first why it was so far but then they remembered that this was Hawkins, the place where nothing happens and where there are barely any littles anymore. Steve thought there had to be more at the start but as time went on, he was starting to believe he was the only little in Hawkins. Which sucked. Not that being little sucked for Steve, he loves it! It's more that he doesn't have anyone to act like to fit in. He doesnt have anyone to tell him how he's playing with toys wrong (Toys right now being spoons and plates) or how he should be walking when little but he crawled so he didn't know if that was wrong (Billy had helped him start to crawl the same day of the dancing incident).

So, Steve got a job at the ice cream parlour whilst Billy got a job as a life guard. They both met new people.. Steve didn't know about Robin in high school but now he did so it counts as knowing a new person.. and Billy wasn't around when Heather was at high school, as she got home-schooled just before Billy came into town. Heather was nice, Billy had decided. She was always nice to the kids in the pool and always helped the others (Including Billy) put sunscreen on their back. She was nice and sweet. But no one was sweeter than his Stevie.

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