⭐Chapter 10⭐

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Billy got Steve home as quickly as he could, Steve having to go in the back so Billy could put all of the seat belts over him to keep him safe. Steve was staring out the window with his big doe brown eyes, chewing on his fingers as he watched the scenery go by quickly.

"We really need to get you some more toys, huh baby"

Billy smiled at him through the mirror and Steve looked up at him back, drool going down his chin as he kept chewing on his fingers. He gave Billy and big smile, his eyes closing as he did. Billy melted inside at his baby boy

"Aww, your just a sweetheart, aren't you"

he coo'd, making Steve blush and shine contently, wriggling in his seat as he chewed more on his fingers. Billy was starting to slowly worry Steve would break the skin on them.

"Would you like to go to a little store I found, Bubba? They have many things a little boy like you would like" he smiled softly at him through the mirror again as Steve kicked his legs slightly in pure excitement. Damn his boy is cute!

"I'll take that as a yes"

Billy took a left turn and soon enough, they were out of Hawkins.

Billy had Steve up on his hip as they both looked at all of the pacifiers that were hung up on the shelves. They were all different colours, and Billy knew if he let Steve choose his own without any help, he'd get overwhelmed with all of the different colours. He was really little right now, after the whole on-the-floor-and-crying thing, nobody could blame him really. So, Billy had to help Steve pick, but even he was confused as to which one would be best.

Then, a little blue see-through pacifier caught his eye. The plastic was transparent and had subtly little sparkles in it, shining beautifully in the moon-light (It was a long drive). Hell there was even little dark blue stars on it to.

Billy picked it up and held it out for Steve to look at. "Do you like this one-"

Billy was cut off by a happy squeal from a certain little baby in his arms. Steve. Alright this muffin was definitely okay with this one.

Billy chuckled "I think we have a winner" he presses kisses on the side of the Steve's head and passed it to Steve, who traced the plastic around it in awe.

Billy bounced him gently and went over to the teddy bear section. There were loads of teddies on the shelves, all different animals and colours and shapes and sizes.

Steve's face lit up ten-fold (if at all possible) and He squealed even louder, hitting his fist gently on Billy's shoulder as he bounced in place.

"Okay okay" He chuckles and they go through the isle slowly, so Steve can take everything in.

Steve decided on a fluffy Polar Bear. But as Steve was so young, he couldn't speak, so Billy just dubbed it's name 'Polar Bear' because he was unique like that. And, Steve didn't seem to mind. Billy also grabbed a cute looking turtle, it was dark blue and had really fluffy furr on the shell and flippers. It would later be named Percy.

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