Niky Swan The Swan

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I woke up the next morning after my interview with Brooklyn B. and my encounter with Jacob Montaz. I looked over at the clock sitting on my dresser wondering what time it was only to find out it was 8:30. That gives me two hours and thirty minutes to get ready. After taking a shower, blow drying my hair and getting ready I had thirty minutes left even after curling my hair. So I got in the car and made my way to the office. When I got to Brooklyn B.'s it was eleven on the dot so I got out of my car and rushed inside. The assistant was waiting for me at the door and she quickly rushed me into the main office just in time for Brookly B. to be showing up. Right as I sat down the doors swung open and there she was Brooklyn B. still looking half asleep
"Good morning Niky"
"Good morning Ms.B."
"No please call me Brook"
"Yes Ma'am"
"So I have thought about it and you have the job. You are the best candidate for the job. We will start your training next week"
"Yes Ma'am, so where did you want to get lunch?"
"Doesn't matter but I will pay and drive if that is ok with you"
"You're the boss" we both just sat there laughing. Finally we both stood up and we walked to her car. The first thing I realized was that there was a suitcase in the back
"Sorry it's amess my dad wanted me to come home for the weekend"
"It's fine" she just looked at me and smiled so I smiled back
"So you never did say where you wanted to eat"
"Surprise me" So she put the car in drive and started driving. We ended up at Tatyana's, an expensive five star italian restaurant.
"Why are we here?" I asked
"Because Niky it's a five star restaurant. I mean where else would we go?"
"I um......"
"You what Niky?"
"I can't afford to eat here"
"I told you I would pay"I really didn't like the idea of someone else paying for my meals but we were already here and she seemed like she was going to budge on it
"Ok." As we were getting out of the car, my phone started to ring. I looked at my phone and didn't recognize the number
"Who is it?"
"I don't know. It's an unknown number"So I got out of the car and answered it.
"Who is this?"
"Oh, sorry I forgot you don't have my number. It's Jacob Montaz from the waiting room."
"Oh the Prince" he laughed
"Ya" How in the world did he get my number and why would he want to call an average girl like me.
"Who is it Niky?"
"It's Jacob"
"Oh I forgot you were at lunch with Brooklyn"
"Ya we were just about to go in to Tatyana's"
"Ok, and tell Brook she needs to text me please"
"Ok ya I will. I have to go though"
"Ok hope to see you soon"
"Niky come on"
"Coming" And with that I said goodbye to Jacob and we were inside. Brook started talking to one of the waiters and the front desk
"Hey Brook"
"Finally Niky, this is Jalen Fisher he's a.. Family friend"
"Nice to meet you Jalen, Brook Jacob wants you to text him"
"Ok ladies please follow me to your table. Is this table ok?"
"Perfectly fine"We take our seats across from each other
"What can I get you two to drink" Brooklyn looks at me and says
"Two glasses of Strawberry Tea"
"Brook, Strawberry Tea?"
"Yep" she just looked at me and smiled and pulled her phone out I guess to text Jacob. When she put her phone down her smile slowly disappeared, at this time I saw the waiter coming with our drinks.
"What's wrong Ms.B. I mean Brook?"
"Nothing just my brother being my brother" I didn't even know she had a brother. The waiter showed up with our drinks and as he was sitting them down on the table someone walked behind him and pushed him and of course the drink he was holding fell over and spilled on me.
"I am so sorry" I looked up and Brooklyn had a surprised look on her face
"Ya sure. Where is the bathroom?"
"Around that corner Ma'am" I got up and all eyes were on me or so it seemed as I walked to the bathroom. As I went into the bathroom I heard a couple of people start laughing and I couldn't help but cry. Normally this circumstance would not bother me but after the long week of little to no sleep I couldn't help but cry and not not because I was upset but because I was mad for thinking this could be my life. At this point I didn't know what to do so I called my Best friend Alexandrea she answered on the second ring
"Hey Alex"
"Niky what's wrong?"
"Will you come pick me up?"
"Ya of course. Where are you?"
"I'm at Tatyana's"
"Ok i'm on my way but why are you crying?"
"I will explain when you get here"
"Niky are you in here?"
"Niky who is that"
"It's no one Alex I will see you in couple of minutes"
"Ok" I hung up and put my phone in my pocket
"Niky are you ok?"
"Ya" I walked out of the stall I was standing in and Brooklyn was standing there
"Are you crying?"
"Yes" I walked past her to the sink
"Why are you crying though Niky?"
"Because I have a lot going on in my life right now I'm running on maybe two hours of sleep at the most and being humiliated in front of a whole restaurant is just not what I needed right now. It was my breaking point but why I'm telling you this I have no clue"
"For one your telling me this because apparently you needed to and second everyone has a breaking point just don't let it get to you" Before I could say anything my phone started to ring
"Hey Alex"
"I'm outside"
"Ok I'm on my way" I once again walked past Brooklyn and out into the hall where Jalen was standing
"I'm so sorry Ms. Niky" I walked past him and said over my shoulder
"It's fine" I got to the door and Alexandrea was standing by her car. By that time I realized Brooklyn was trying to keep up with me. I was almost to the car when someone grabbed my arm so I stopped.
"Niky would you slow down"
"Ms.B. please let me go"
"No I will not let you go until you calm down" I struggled trying to get my arm free without hurting her or myself.
"She said let her go" I looked behind me and of course Alexandra was standing there but what I didn't expect to see was Theo her older brother standing beside her.
"Look I don't know who you are miss but my little sister's best friend said let her arm go"
"Theo thank you but I can fight my own battles and please Ms.B. let my are go"
"Niky look at me" I did as she said and she had true concern on her face "At least let me give you some different clothes so you don't have to walk around with a stain on your shirt"
"Fine" she let my arm go and walked over to her car. I turned to Theo and Alexandrea who were still standing beyond me
"Alex why did you bring him?"
"We were having a brother sister day. Why are you here?"
"My boss wanted to eat here" by this time Brooklyn was coming back from her car with clothes in her hand.
"Come with me Niky."
"Yes Ms.B." We went back in and went to the restroom and I changed who would have thought that Brooklyn B. and I would wear the same size clothes. We walked back out and once again Broolyn stopes me
"Niky will you please come with me, Jacob wants to see you" when she said his name I couldn't help but smile a little but I don't know if I can be around anyone right now let alone him and Brooklyn "Niky?"
"So are you coming with me or not" I looked up and Brooklyn, Theo, and Alexandrea were all staring at me.
"Oh, Ms.B this is Theo and Alexandrea Bailey"
"Nice to meet you two"
"Hey N, you should go with her to see this Jacob guy" I looked up at my best friend and she was smiling at me.
"Ok fine. I will go with her" Just as we went to get in her car
"Hey Ms.Brooklyn. Can I get a ride?"I turned around and it was the guy who had spilled the drink on me

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