Brooklyn B. The Designer

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When Jacob made it to the car he was happy but then he looked in the car and his smile faded.
"Where is Niky?"
"She had somewhere to be."
"Oh ok." I hate lying to my brother but I didn't know how to tell him that she chose not to come, that she chose to go with her other friends. I looked over and saw Niky's bag. I got my phone out and started my car. "What are you doing?"
"Just get in the car or close the door" so he got in the car as I dialed Niky's number
"Hey where are you?"
"I just got in my car at the office"
"Ok stay where you are"
"Because you left your bag in my car"
"Ok, fine but only because my drivers license is in my bag"
"Ok well I am on my way"
"Ok" After she said that she hung up. I looked up at Jacob who now had a smile on his face again. It took Jacob and I about twenty minutes to get to the office. When we got there Niky was leaning on the hood of her car. She had put her beautiful fawn hair into a ponytail, which was a good look on her. We got out of my car and Niky turned to us
"Hey Niky"
"Hi Jacob" she looked at me with an apologetic look on her face but I didn't know why "can I have my bag so I can go?" Jacob had her bag in his hands
"Ya here" he handed her the bag and one could not miss their hands touching because they just froze for a couple of seconds about the time they dropped their hands I seen somebody move in Niky's car
"Niky..." as I was fixing to ask her who it was Theo got out of the car
"Hey Niky you ready to go?" Jacob looked over at him and dropped his smile
"Theo give me a couple of minutes" Theo then walked over leaving the car door wide open
"Who's your friend?" she looked at Jacob and me with a smile
"This is Jacob Montaz and Brooklyn B. Guys this is Theo Bailey"
"Nice to meet you Mr.Bailey I'm Jacob"
"Ya sure nice to meet you. Niky we really need to go."
"Why?" It was clear that Theo did not want Niky anywhere near Jacob
"Because we are going to be late for one and two I told Alex I would make sure you were ok"
"Why wouldn't she be ok" Jacob suddenly asked looking between Niky and I "Brook are those your clothes?"
"Well what happened?" He stood there looking between Nily and Me waiting on an answer but before we could theo stepped in
"Someone spilled something all over Niky and everybody laughed at her" They both look at Niky
"Is this true?"
"Yes Jacob but i'm fine ok"
"Who spilled the drink Brooklyn?" I could see that my brother was aggravated by this
"Jalen did but it was an accident Jake".
"Niky we got to go" Theo said grabbing her arm
"She is not going anywhere if she doesn't want to" This caught Niky and I by surprise I looked at him
"Jake calm down" He looked at me and smiled
"I am calm, just stating the law he can not force her to go anywhere if she does not want to."
"And how would you know the laws?"Theo stepped in front of Niky and stood up to his full height. Niky stepped beside me
"Theo you don't want to do that"
"Why I can easily take this punk" I had heard and seen about to much
"I don't think you can but I do think you should leave"
"Theo stand down please"
"Why NIky" Niky stepped in front of Jacob and Theo and as she did Jacob looked at me so I tried to stop her but she was already there
"Because Theo I am telling you not to do this you will regret it"
"How and why would I regret it?"
"Because I would never talk to you again and you would go to jail"
"Who cares as long as your safe from stupid people"
"Theo think if you go to jail you can't protect me nor Alex we would be left here alone" when Niky said Alexandrea's name he stood down "see I told you, now go calm down some where."
"I'm not leaving you."
"For the last time T. I'm fine I promise"
"Okay." Theo slowly walked away and Niky was finally able to turn around and face Jacob
"Why would you step in front of me like that? What if he would have hit you?"
"I'm fine. He would never hit me, if he did Alexandrea whould never forgive him."
"Still Niky, Jacob is right you could have been hurt."
"But I wasn't!" She walked over to her car got in and grabbed her phone
"Look I got to go"
"Why" is the only thing I could think to say
"Because I do."
"Okay, be here on monday at 9AM and please don't be late."
"Yes Ms.B"
"What happened to calling me Brook?"
"I don't know, your my boss so I think I should call you what evey other employ calls you"
"Ya okay, but your not just an employ your my friend"
"Ya maybe but still it's for the best I really have to go"
"Okay" I looked at Niky and then at my brother back to Niky it was hard to say goodbye like this as I was getting ready to get in my car
"Niky can I talk to you alone please?"

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