Niky The Swan

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After Theo told me the judge had called I stayed there all night laying with my little girl not getting any sleep. That morning after I left Theo's and Alexandria's house, Brooklyn and Jacob were at my apartment and as much as I didn't want to, I had to say goodbye. After I told them to leave and that I would always remember them I walked into my apartment and fell to the ground. What had started out as a normal Saturday was now one of the worst days of my life. I sat on the ground with my back against the door for about an hour. I finally got up and called my mom.

"Hello" she answered

"Hey mom." I say trying to hide how sad and depressed I was but my mom is my mom she knows everything just by hearing one word.

"Niky, what's wrong sweetie?" my mom asked with such a sweet tone that it made me start crying again.

"The Judge called Theo and I last night."

"By the sounds of it I'm guessing it did not go well."

"No it didn't. As of right now Theo has full custody of Jade because last time we were evaluated I didn't have a stable job but I do now but they said they can't do anything about it until the next evaluation which is in two months." I stopped to take a breath when I realized I was not breathing "What am I going to do mom?"

"Niky, what I need from you right now is to calm down and breathe honey okay?" I closed my eyes and took a couple deep breaths.

"Mom, what am I going to do? She is everything to me now I have lost her." there was no sound but her breathing for a minute.

"It's going to be okay. We will figure something out like we always do."

"Okay, mom?"

"Yeah sweetie" at this point I stopped trying to hold back the tears. Not only did I just lose my daughter but two really good friends who I really liked "Niky, what else happened?"

"I.....I had to say goodbye to Brooklyn and Jacob because I really like them and they are a distraction."

" Niky I know how you like them and that you are still trying to figure out all those emotions but you know what the judge said distractions are not good for you right now."

"I know mom that's why I said goodbye because it is what I have to do to get my daughter back but it still hurts really bad."

"I know honey. Why don't you come stay with your dad and I for a day or so? Your sister is with a couple of her friends for a couple of days. We can eat ice cream and watch a movie."

"Okay I will be there in about an hour or so."

"Okay sweetie see you then love you."

"Love you too mom" After we hang up I pack some clothes although I probably still have some there and make my way out to my car. I was walking about to get in my car when I noticed something on my windshield. I walk to grab it and on the envelope in fancy handwriting it said Niky Swan. I got into my car, threw my bag of clothes in the passenger seat and opened the envelope.

Dear Niky,

I wanted to tell you this earlier but every time I tried we got interrupted. So your question went unanswered. Why do I care? It took me hours to figure it out but I care because I like you and yeah I know we have only known each other for two days but I can't get you out of my head I can't stop thinking about you. That is why I care about all that stuff from the moment we shook hands I knew you were going to be different. Yeah I know I messed up when I found out about Jade but I hope I can make it up to you and her. So I hope that answers your question and you don't have to feel the same way but I really hope you do.


Your prince Jacob Montaz

As I finished reading the letter that Jacob had left me my phone went off. It was a message from Jacob and Brooklyn. I didn't even look at them because I knew it would only hurt if I did. Just like the letter did because honestly I don't know how I felt and now I will never get to figure it out. So without any hesitation I drove to my parents house. When I got there mom was on the front porch waiting for me. As I got out of my car she walked towards me pulling me into a comforting hug.

"Come on, let's get inside."

"Yes ma'am. I just need to grab my stuff." I walk around to the passenger side where my stuff was and grab my bag and my phone. I was about to close the door when my mom sees the envelope

"Hey Niky, what is this?" she ask holding it up

"It's nothing mom, just a letter." I say trying to get away from this situation.

'From who?" I was really hoping she wouldn't ask because I really just do not want to talk about it but I knew she would not let it go until I told her

"Fine it was from Jacob." As I told her I realized it was the wrong decision.

"Do what?! Why do you have a letter from Jacob?" yep wrong decision.

"Relax mom. He doesn't know I found it and read it and I don't plan on doing anything about it. I'm not risking everything for a letter."

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