Jacob Montaz The Prince

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My mind was still blank. Nothing that just happened made any sense to me. Seeing Niky hurt like that made me want to protect her but she pushed us away. I never would have thought that a girl so brave and strong would break down the way that she just did. Why was she broken and what could I do? All of this is just crazy and I wonder what was going on. I really hope she got the letter I wrote her and I hope it can change things back. The next couple of days passed and on the morning of Monday Niky was supposed to start work  and still nothing from her. To be honest I miss her. My mind comes back to reality when I hear a knock on my door. 

“It is open.” I look over to see Brooklyn walking in. She had left after what happened with Niky. She said she couldn’t handle all of this right now. “What are you doing here Brook?” I didn’t think she would be back for a while plus she was supposed to be at work. 

“I’m heading to my office and wanted to see if you wanted to come with me?” 

“No offense Brook but why would I want to do that?” 

“Because I’m working in Niky's office before she comes in this afternoon.” Yeah that’s if she comes in. I think deep down Brook knows that there is a very small chance she would actually show up for work but she wants to believe that she will because my sister misses Niky as much as I do.

“Sure, I will come with you. Just let me get dressed.” She walked out leaving me to get dressed as I did so quickly then walked out to where she was parked. “I’m going to drive myself so I can come back when we are done.” 

“Okay” Brooklyn says getting into her car as I walked over to my bike not realizing that Jalen was there working on his again. 

“Hey, where y’all going?”

“Just going to help Brook with setting something up in her Office. Why are you not at work?”

“It’s my day off sir.” 

“Oh okay. Well, have fun working on your bike. I'll see you later.” I climb on my bike taking off towards Brooklyn’s work. I made it there before her somehow so I stood there waiting for about ten minutes. She pulls up and gets out of her car.

“Hey can you come help me with this please?”

“Yeah.” I walk over to her car and see a couple of picture frames “Brook what are these picture frames for?” 

“Because we are decorating Niky’s office.”

“Okay but that does not explain why we need picture frames.” she just looked at me as if it was obvious why she needed the frame which by the way had no picture

“Will you please just quit skiing questions and help?” So I grabbed the couple of frames that she didn't have and followed her into an empty office that wasn’t that far from hers. 

“Wow, it’s empty here.” 

“Yeah, that is why we are decorating it. Just put the picture frames over there.” I set them down where Brooklyn told me to. “”Now we got to get the box that was by the front door.”

“What?” she just laughed at me grabbed my arm and said 

“Yep, come on” we walk out the front door and sure enough there was a big box out there. I walk over to it picking up not realizing how heavy it would be. 

“Brook what is this?”

“A desk.” she simply states I looked up at her then back down noticing a white envelope by her feet. 

“Brooklyn there is a letter or something beside your feet.” she looked down and picked it up.

“It’s addressed to Ms.B.” she sighs and starts to open it. 

“Brook, can we get the desk in first?” I asked and she looked up at me and I could tell she wanted to open the envelope now.

“Yeah sure” She walked over propped the door open and then came to help me with the desk we make it about half way there “Hey Jake I got to stop for a second” 

“Okay” It’s understandable that she had to stop because she was carrying the desk and having to open the doors. So we put the desk down. “You know what, if you open the doors I will carry the desk the rest of the way.”
“Are you sure?” 

“Yes Brook, I wouldn’t have said it if I didn’t mean it.” 

“Okay.” We finally got the desk into Niky’s office and when I look at Brook she is rocking back and forth on her feet. She really wants to open that letter. I wonder why. 

“You can open the letter now Brook.” She pretty much squeals as she opens it. “Hey Brook, why are you so excited to open this letter huh?” I ask, trying to tease her a little. She doesn’t answer me and just continues to read. As she reads it her attitude changes, she goes from being my bubbly sister to being sad almost as if she was about to cry. She looks up at me and I knew that look it’s the same one she had on her face when Niky told us to leave. 

“It’s from Niky.” she states handing me the letter and honestly I don’t know if I want to read it or not.”You don’t have to read it but I think you should keep it for now so you can read it later if you want.” 

“Okay.” I fold the paper and put it in my pocket. About two hours later we had finally finished with Niky’s office and it was awesome. “It looks good, Brook.”  she gives me a sad smile 

“Thanks Jacob. You can go if you want. I am finished with this office for now. I have some other work I have to do.” I noticed she said this office instead of Niky’s office but chose to ignore it.

“Okay. See you later Brooklyn.”

“Yeah.” is all she said before she walked to her office a door down. Whatever was in that letter really upset her. I got to my bike and decided to read the letter.

           Dear Brooklyn B., 

I wanted to say thank you for everything. Thank you for giving me this amazing opportunity that you have given me. I can’t tell you how grateful I am for not only that but that I have got to know you and as much as I want to continue to get to know you better I can not do so. I wanted to tell you this in person when I came by here but you were not here and I couldn’t wait but I’m so sorry to inform you that the arrangement we made to start will no longer work for me. I have some really important family matters going on right now that I have to handle and come to terms with. As much as I want this new start with you and this amazing job I am not ready for it at the moment. I will call when I get things sorted out. And if I still have a job by then if you still want me to work for you, we can discuss when I can start which I know is probably not going to happen. I also wanted to say sorry for the other day you were right I shouldn’t have taken my problems out on y’all but what I did had to be done no matter how bad it hurts. I hope one day we can be a part of each other's lives again until then I’m sorry Ms.B.

Yours Always and Truly,      

                                  Niky Swan 

P:S Please tell Jacob to stop calling and texting and that I will call or text when and if I am ready.

Niky Swan

I put the letter back in my pocket making a note in my head to give it back to Brooklyn because it was hers. I left my sister’s office not knowing where I was going. I was just driving trying to clear my head. I ended up at the entrance of the garden. I walk in trying to relax when I turn and see Tesla my sister’s best friend and the girl I wanted to marry someday before I met Niky. 

“Tes, Brooklyn isn’t here.” I say, thinking she was looking for Brook considering she hasn’t talked to me since I asked her to be my girlfriend and she rejected nearly a year ago.

“I know Kendall told me.” Of course she had already talked to my little sister. Tesla turned to face me with her big brown eyes that were now focused on me. “I’m actually here to see you.”

“Okay. what’s on your mind then.”

“Actually, can we go somewhere else to talk?”

“Yeah sure.” 

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