Jalen Fisher Bad Boy

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I walked into the garden hearing music. Jacob wanted to talk to me. When I entered he was with a girl dancing and talking about something. I couldn't tell who she was. All I could tell is that she had fawn hair but I didn't care who she was because if she was like the other girls after Tesla refused to go out with him she would be gone in about a week.

"Hey Mr. Jacob, you wanted to talk to me." They stopped dancing and that's when I realized who the girl was, it was Niky Swan from the restaurant. She said something to Jacob but I couldn't hear her as I was in my own little world thinking about where this talk could lead. I could lose my job. Before I knew it she was walking out of the garden leaving Jacob and I alone. When she was finally out of eye shot he turned to me saying

"So, I heard you had an accident at my restaurant today" A part of me wonders how he knew what happened at Tatyana's today but then again he was just dancing with the girl who I had spilt drinks all over. "I heard from Brooklyn and Niky, " he says, confirming my thoughts.

"I'm so sorry sir. I did not mean for it to happen, it was honestly an accident I swear sir" He was just looking at me and I didn't know what to do because something like this has never happened. I stood there waiting to hear I was fired.

"Calm down Jalen. I was just going to tell you to be more careful next time alright?"

"Yes sir. I promise" I say feeling relief wash all over me.

"Good" he shakes his head with a small smile before leaving me probably to try and catch Niky before she leaves. I don't know why but for some reason I have a feeling I am going to be seeing a lot of her. Which is not a bad thing. She seems to be a good person who I would like to get to know. I hope this is not one of Jacob's flings. She seems too nice to have to go through that.

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