Dream River

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We gettin close to the ending ya'll :]

Warning!!: Extreme SA mentions!! Also more fluffy Gwenvid

Unable to sleep, the freckled man sat up from his bed. The air was so cold and crisp, there was only the warmth that came from his and Gwen's bed they shared. He saw she was positioned in an abnormal way with drool dripping onto her pillow from her slightly opened mouth. David smiled with a dry throat, dying for water. The tall man stood up and his foot met with the cold wooden floor. He didn't mind, he was used to slight extreme temperatures since he loved camping and basically lived in the outdoors. Indoors, David was always barefoot and grew many plants throughout the house because of his love for nature. Gwen calls him hippie, even though she's about the same now because of his influence on her.

David turned around to admire another view of his partner, but she isn't there anymore. He froze. The room felt different. The environment of the room changed, but the same dark bluish colors remained from the moon light leaking from the window. He looked around this new room. The man paused and realized exactly where he is, his heart dropped. He was in his childhood bedroom. He looked around; the floor is carpeted in beige with unknown stains. His bed was twin sized with only a single pillow. Gwens' pillow which was soaked in drool was gone as well. His stuffed animals he once lost years ago are now right in front of him. The scent of the room changed and brought nostalgia, he couldn't grasp it. The door opened slowly yet so loud. David gently turned around. A woman a few years older than him, with pale skin and freckles, like him. David realized after a second of staring, and his body reacted by stepping back one. He was shook, frightened, and confused. She was exactly how he remembered her in his memory he wished was forgotten. The woman was confused as well as to who this unusual man was in his sons room.

"Mom..." David said as his eyes watered, still in shock.

"Where's..." The women said, still processing what was said by the man. "...Davey?"  His mother froze, then gasped, "You're so big... you're taller than me. You've grown up to be so handsome.. just as how your dad used to look." She said with a smile.

David tried to stabilize his emotions, but there was so much going through his body: Fear, cringe, anger, confusion. He realized he's experienced this like he was inside a memory. He knew what she did next.

"...Why are you in here? What were you doing? It's late! W-Why..." He said with with his shaky breath as his body began to tremble. He felt nauseous.

"Why did you do that mom..? I-I didn't realize at the time, I thought you were just showing me love..."

Tears fell from his pale face. He looked at his old teddy bear, "I-I was so young. Why did you do that?! I told you to stop, but you didn't! You didn't care! Y-You took away my childhood!"  His face turned red and his eyes were filled with rage. He never wanted to see her again, but he took the chance to say everything he ever wanted to say to her.

"You're sick! You put me through so much! No one deserved that!" David generally hated yelling, but he couldn't control his tone towards her. His mothers face displayed no expression. As he yelled, he realized she was slowly coming towards him.

"Don't come near me! Don't come near me or my family okay?!  I can protect them from you! I'm not afraid of you.!" David said. When she was close enough, she suddenly attempted to grab him by the wrist, her other hand on his chest.



David jumped from his bed, drenched in sweat. Gwen suddenly woke up from her sleep and lifted her head, "David..?" She asked still half asleep as the man looked around the room. David exhaled in relief when he realized he was back in their home. Gwen saw he was trembling and breathing heavily. She was now fully awake then figured out what had just happened. She gently climbed over and fixed his hair, then cupped his cheeks. "I-it's okay, it was just a nightmare. It was just a bad dream." She made eye contact with him and could see David had tears ready to fall. The women recognized his mini panic attack and comforted him. Gwen repositioned and sat next to him with her hand on his shoulder. She was reminded of when David did the same for her anxiety attacks that occurred at back at Camp Campbell. She knew this had to do with a very serious topic, coming from David's past which she lacked details of.

When his heavy breathing settled down to normal, she asked what happened. The man tried to calm down to respond, he hesitated, "I just had a dream about...my mom. I think I was in my childhood room. She came in and.. it was like we talked again— it felt so real. She looked exactly like she did in this memory I had of her when she..." David couldn't bring himself to finish his sentence. Gwen looked back earlier that day during the trials when David revealed the terrible thing he mother did to him. She never got to talk to him about it since he mentioned it. She felt a wave of guilt hit her. This made her think of how hard it must have been to trust someone with their body, but she was lucky she won his trust.

"I'm sorry I kept this from you. I thought it was better to keep that side of my past to myself so I didn't have anyone worrying about me or pitying me. I don't want things like this to happen to anyone."

"It's fine David. I know your intentions were only to protect everyone, but you can tell me anything okay? I'm here for you." Gwen gave him a comforting smile. "I'm glad you had the courage to tell the court room today, I'm real proud of you. You did a good job protecting Max and defending him from those terrible people."

The man gently smiled back, "Thanks, Gwen." David sighed as they lied down in bed. She gave the man a peck to his cheek. The two discussed David's triggers so Gwen could take mental notes to avoid them as best as possible and help him get through his flashbacks. As that settled, David thought of the Max, "Now I'm just worried for Max and the trials tomorrow. He must have a lot going on since the accident."

"Yeah, I kinda miss the little shit too. I just hope us fostering him would be better. That's if the court lets us." Gwen said, thought to herself.

"Do you think.. he would be glad to have us take care of him?"

"David, we risked so much saving him from that home. You literally almost died protecting him. He may find us annoying as fuck, but I'm sure we're the only ones he'd trust to let us take care for him." Gwen stated. David nodded, remembering the feeling of being stabbed which give him the ick.

"Yeah...but I feel as if we left him since the incident that night. It's almost been a year and we only had few interactions with him. I'm not even sure he's aware of our process of getting to foster him."

"True, we might have screwed up on that. It's fucked up that his other foster parents didn't let us see him. Maybe we can try to find a way to contact his current foster parents tomorrow, but how about we get some rest okay? We gotta wake up early again." She said before going back into her comfortable position. David agreed with a tired smile while putting his arms around her. Gwens forehead was resting against the man's chin, giving him a perfect opportunity for a small kiss to her head. Gwen gave a soft smile and slowly closed her eyes, thinking of all the memories where he caused chaos back at camp.

The couple fell asleep to the thought of a new life as a small family. If things went right the next couple of days, it could become their future soon.

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