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This is my side story!!!! So it will come second. It will become my first priority when I finish Cries To The Moon. Here's the sample! NOT EDITED!

I slightly lean my face above his causing my large framed reading glasses to slide down the bridge of my nose. His once bloody face was now clean and relaxed.

I reached my hand out to brush the stray hair against his forehead off when his dark eyes flashed open.

Letting out a loud squeak I backpedaled causing my glasses to slip from my nose. I reached out my hand to catch them but ended up juggling it between my hands before they dropped to the floor with a clatter.

"Oh no!" I sighed and dropped to my knees picking them up to inspect. A deep chuckle made my eyes dart up to the god that laid against my couch. I clumsily stood up and with shaky hands pushed back my hair then slid my glasses back on.

The man before me bit his lip and slowly dropped his head in a tilt. His eyes quickly darted around the room before landing on me once again.

I inwardly cringed as I guessed what I possibly looked like to him. My eyes where wide and fear struck as my clammy hands where clasp tightly in front of my body and the glasses on my face slightly crooked from my uneasiness.

He gave me a tight lipped smile his eyes cold and hard. "Who are you?" His voice was rough and husky from his sleepiness but that didn't help the heat that spread through my checks.

"Emile." I said softy as I turned away from him. Walking to the table across the room, I picked up the pain killers and water I set out for him then turned back towards him.

He was sitting up now tall and proud. His broad shoulder and musclier form brought butterfly's to my stomach and I hastily went towards him.

"How are you feeling now?" I stretched my hands out towards him with the pills and water. He swiftly took them and chugged the water down without a word said. He handed me back the cup and I sat it on the table next to me.

"I'm fine but my-" his hand went down to his side. The side I dug a bullet out of.

"You where shot," I sat down in the chair away from him and played with the hem of my shirt. "You told me that you would rather die the go to the hospital." He stiffened in his chair and glared Icily at me causing me to flinch; shrinking back into the leather seat I sat in.

"Where did you find me!" He snapped. My breaths grew heavier at the sudden harness in his melodic voice. Tears stung my eyes as memories surfaced. I quickly tucked my knee under my chin and to my chest and glanced at him.

"You found me." I squeezed my eyes shut. "It's okay Emmy there gone." I squeezed my eyes harder together when he got up from his spot.

"What do you mean, 'I found you.'" He said dryly. I wound my arms around my legs and opened my eyes to see him looking down at the shirt he wore. Then his eyes snapped up to mine.

"Did you change my shirt?" Before I could think about what I said I blurted "I didn't look! Swear it!" My cheeks burned into a cherry red when I saw the corner of his mouth turn up into a smirk. "And you uh...."I squirmed at his intense stare. "You knocked or more like pounded on my door and clasped in my living room."

I bit my lip hard as he began to look at me more. "Your shirt is in the wash and you can l-leave whenever or you can s-stay." My voice wasn't more then a whisper and felt scratchy against my throat.

He gave me a very odd look that I couldn't decipher and shook his head; his black hair moving slightly with his movements. When his dark eyes met mine it took everything I had not to jump behind the chair and hide.

"Why did you help me." I gave him a shaky smile and twisted my hair around my finger; tugging hard. The slight siting giving me a sick comfort.

I peeked up at him under my lashes. "Well it seemed you ended up in trouble town and needed a way out." His eyebrow rose and he gave me a lazy smirk. "Trouble town?"

I dug my chin deeper in my knees and let my coopery hair fall into a curtain in front of my face. From the corner of my eye, I seen him walk a little closer. "Well Emile, My name is Phoenix-" I lifted my head towards him and tilted my head and in return he gave me a wicked grin. "Phoenix Valentino."

Emile Dawson is what you would call a social reject. With no friends and no family she just wishes the life she lives would come to an end. Sacred from her past (literally) she shuts people out and keeps to her self.

Society label: FREAK

But like it or not she still has a heart and that beating heart couldn't resist helping the boy pounding on her door at 2:00 in the morning.

His name was Phoenix Valentino. Rumor has it that he is just a monster with a pretty face. Blows off school all the time, which some say it's better that way. But like it or not he still has a heart and it just so happens that, that beating heart wants the shy redheaded girl that possibly saved his life.

He's always walking the streets of trouble town and she has her tales about trouble town. Can the two survive the path that's been given?

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